88好学网范文常识招聘应聘自我介绍好的英文自我介绍» 正文


[10-20 23:43:15]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  自我介绍   阅读:680

概要:你的冒险意愿强不强呢?有些人能量十足,将所有精力集中到其热情所在。有些人则过分紧张以至于不能将工作做到最好。还有些人则容易因为数事并举而分心,只得决定是执行A计划还是执行B计划,只能二选其一。What are your dream job prospects? Are you looking to break into the subprime mortgage origination business, or are you looking into alternative energy? Some sectors are hotter than others. Growing industries will hire faster. Newer industries will hire people with less experience (since by default everyone has less experience in brand new industries) and are more open to career changers。 你梦


  What are your dream job prospects? Are you looking to break into the subprime mortgage origination business, or are you looking into alternative energy? Some sectors are hotter than others. Growing industries will hire faster. Newer industries will hire people with less experience (since by default everyone has less experience in brand new industries) and are more open to career changers。

  These are just some of the issues that you have to weigh. The work involves actually thinking through these issues – calculating your financial obligations v. your reserves, examining your will, researching your target sectors. It is not a single right or wrong answer, but more of a process and series of actions. In this way, it is less about waiting and more about doing. The best jobseekers are proactive and don’t wait。

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