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PEP Primary English Book5 Unit 5 My New Room Teach

[05-17 02:05:51]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:Is this your bathroom?Is this your bedroom?3、Show Ss a picture of my bedroom.by CAIT:Look at my new bedroom.Is it nice? I have a bed in my room. What else do I have? Look. I also have a curtain.(Read the word“curtain”together.)T:Can you spell“curtain”?Let’s spell it together c-u-r-t-a-i-n(通过课件来呈现并学习新的单词)4、Play a game:T say“curtain”loudly then the Sssay“curtain”quietly.(因本课单词较难,故设计了一个”大小声”的游戏,让学生在快乐的气氛中巩固了新学的单词.)5、Let’s chant.I have a mirror in my room.I have a curtain in my room.I have

PEP Primary English Book5 Unit 5 My New Room Teach,标签:七年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

Is this your bathroom?

Is this your bedroom?

3、Show Ss a picture of my bedroom.by CAI

T:Look at my new bedroom.Is it nice? I have a bed in my room. What else do I have? Look. I also have a curtain.(Read the word“curtain”together.)

T:Can you spell“curtain”?Let’s spell it together c-u-r-t-a-i-n


4、Play a game:T say“curtain”loudly then the Sssay“curtain”quietly.


5、Let’s chant.

I have a mirror in my room.

I have a curtain in my room.

I have a end table in my room.

I have a closet in my room.


Step3 Consolidation

1、Show Ss some pictures, for example: TV, sofa, bed, table, computer and soon. Let them make their own chant.

Invite some Ss to chant.

2、Show Ss a frame.Invite some Ss to tick and introduce their own room.











End table






















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