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Unit 23 A famous person

[05-17 02:26:40]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:Many young girls are interested in popular songs.interest, interesting和interested三者的含义均与“兴趣”有关,它们的用法:1)interest用作名词(不可数)时意为“兴趣”、“趣味”;用作动词时意为“使(人)发生兴趣”,其主语多为事物。如:The work is of great interest. 这工作很有趣。They’re all places of great interest in China. 它们都是中国的名胜。Your story interests me. 你的经历引起了我的兴趣。2)interesting是形容词,意为“有趣味的”、“引起兴趣的”,着重于主动意味,可作表语或定语。能修饰人,也能修饰物。如:This new TV play is very interesting.这部新电视剧很有趣。He’s a most interesting man.他是个很有趣的人。3)interested也是形容词,意为“感兴趣的”“对……有兴趣的”,着重于被动意味,其主语一

Unit 23 A famous person,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  Many young girls are interested in popular songs.

  interest, interesting和interested三者的含义均与“兴趣”有关,它们的用法:


  The work is of great interest. 这工作很有趣。

  They’re all places of great interest in China. 它们都是中国的名胜。

  Your story interests me.  你的经历引起了我的兴趣。


  This new TV play is very interesting.这部新电视剧很有趣。

  He’s a most interesting man.他是个很有趣的人。


  At the age of eight, the girl became interested in boating.八岁时,这女孩就对划船感兴趣。

  2. I’m sure. . .

  I’m quite sure she’ll like the gift.

  3. It’s written by Bill Gates.


  (1)These planes are made by the students. It’s very good.

  (2)Desks are made by workers.

  4. It seems to be an interesting book.

  seem在此表示“看上去”,暗示有一定依据,这种判断往往接近事实。而look着重于由视觉得出的印象,在搭配上两者都可接形容词、名词(前面常有形容词修饰)、动词不定式to be、介词短语。如:

  He looks/seems a nice man.他看上去是个好人。

  You look/seem tired. Let's have a rest. 看来你很累了,我们休息一会吧。

  The boy looked/seemed to be very ill. 那个男孩看上去病得很重。


   l)后面接动词不定式to do时。The new teacher seemed to know all his students.新来的老师好象认识他所有的学生。

  2)用于It seems the that…结构时。It seemed that he lost something.看来他丢了什么东西。

  3)用于There seemed +不定式结构时。There seemed to be hundreds of people on the playground. 运动场上好象有好几百人。

  5.It was one of the best-sellers of the New York Times list. (L90)


  New York Times 是专有名词《纽约时报》。


  Students read after the tape, then read in pairs and try to memorize the main information. Then act out in front of the class.

  Step 4 Read and practise

  First, read the dialogue in pairs, then make conversations of their own, and act them out. (Or play the video)

  Step 5 Exercises in class

  1. Answer the following questions according to the text.

  1) What’s the name of the book Mr. Green is reading?

  2) Who wrote it? What’s he?

  3) What’s it about?

  4) What does Jim want to do with the book? Why?

  2. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:

  1) The book is Business @ the Speed _________ Thought.

  2) It’s written_________ Bill Gates.

  3) He’s the richest man________ the world.

  4) Computers can help people solve problems________ new ways.

  5) Will you please take the books ________ the classroom?

  6) I’m not interested________ computer games.

  Keys: 1. (l) the name of the book is Business @ the Speed of Thought.

   (2) Bill Gates wrote it. He’s a famous computer scientist and the richest man in the world.

   (3) It’s about how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways.

   (4) Jim wants to take the book to school the next day, because some of his classmates are interested in Bill Gates.

  2. (l)of (2)by (3)in (4)in (5)to (6)in

  Step 5 Homework

  1. To make sentences with the following phrases.

  (1)one of...

  (2)It seems…

  (3)be interested in. . .

  (4) I’m sure...

  2. To find more information about Bill Gates or computer technology.

  3. Do exercises on page 109.

  Writing on blackboard

Lesson 89

《Unit 23 A famous person》出自:www.88haoxue.com网

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