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Unit 24 What were they doing?

[05-17 02:26:52]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:更重要的是要指导学生学习英语词汇的方法。学生应预习课文,熟悉词汇,听录音(包括词汇表)。他们应该将所学词汇按词义和词性分类,按拼读归纳分类,按词形变化的特点分类,科学地、有效地学习和记忆英语词汇。阅读训练第94课的阅读课文讲的是邻里之间的关系问题,这是人们日常生活中经常遇到的。课文篇幅虽长,但故事情节发展的线条很清楚,单词不多,学生容易读懂。课前老师可以根据故事情节制作几张幻灯片,课上老师根据幻灯片向学生讲述课文内容,并把需要讲解的语言点写在黑板上。然后听l-2遍录音。接着让学生快速阅读,并回答练习册上的问题。让学生课后反复朗读,准备下一节课。在阅读过程中让学生体会作者用词的正确性。如:He always took off his boots and threw them on the floor.“threw”一词表现出他脱鞋时的动作幅度,为后面的情节发展作了铺垫。又如But every night he heard the noise upstairs.Bang!One boot.Bang!the other boot.“Bang”两个象声词的运用,说明楼下人难

Unit 24 What were they doing?,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com




  在阅读过程中让学生体会作者用词的正确性。如:He always took off his boots and threw them on the floor.“threw”一词表现出他脱鞋时的动作幅度,为后面的情节发展作了铺垫。又如But every night he heard the noise upstairs.Bang!One boot.Bang!the other boot.“Bang”两个象声词的运用,说明楼下人难于入睡是必然的。再如With a smile the man from downstairs said: “I am sorry to trouble you.” 说明楼下人笑容可掬,他的“诚意”跃然纸上。通过分析、体会,进一步提高学生对英语语言的欣赏能力。

  教学Lesson 94时可结合口语的训练一起进行,学生可能看过马三立的单口相声段,其中有一个就与这课的内容相类似,教师有条件的可以找来这个相声小段,让学生模仿相声演员,用英语讲述这个笑话,还可由二个学生表演,一个在楼上蹦蹦作响,一个在楼下通宵不眠。


  写作是语言的实际运用,可以提高学生英语语言的运用能力。初中生所学的词汇和短语都有限,在写作训练中应循序渐进,不能操之过急。先从连词造句着手,逐步过渡到经老师提示写一篇60~80字的短文,要求表达清楚,无语法错误。本单元的写作训练要求学生写自己一天的生活。在写作前老师可以给以下提示:1. classes begin at. . .   2. four classes in the whole morning 3. listen to the teacher carefully 4. do morning exercises and eye exercises 5. classes are over 6. in the afternoon  7. play basketball  8. leave school  9. do one s homework  10. go to bed 11. what a busy day.


  1.掌握交际英语I’m sorry to trouble you …及Would you please not do this?的用法。



Lesson 93 教学设计方案一

  Teaching Objectives:

  Grasp the new grammar: The Past Continuous Tense.

  Language focus:

  1. The Past Continuous Tense.

  This tense is used to denote something happened at a particular .specific time in the past.

  1) Statement forms

  ①I/He/She/It was working.

  ②You/We/They were working.

  2) Question forms

  ①What was I/he/she/it doing?

  ②What were we/you/they doing?

  2. Useful expressions

  try to do sth. ,in the future, quite a nice. . . , play with, I hope so.

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector,some pictures about action,多媒体视频。

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  Have the students tell stories about famous persons they know.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Perform an action: closing the door. Ask the students What am I doing? Get them to answer You’re closing the door.

  Repeat with other action (drawing a picture, closing the window, cleaning the blackboard, etc.).

  Step 3 Ask and answer

  Showing the students the picture, say: It’s Monday. The students are drawing some pictures on the blackboard. What are they drawing?

  Get the students to say Han Mei is drawing a cat. Jim is drawing a lion, etc.

  Then get them to act and answer in pairs.

  A: What is Li Lei drawing?

  B: He is drawing an elephant.

  …   …

  Step 4 Read and act

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.(or play the video: Lesson93情景对话)Ask What is Li Lei drawing? What does the teacher think about the elephant?

  Let the students guess the meaning of painter.

  Explains the phrases:

  1. try to do sth.

  The boy is trying to climb the tall tree.

  2. quite a nice. . .

  He owns quite a nice car.

  Play the tape again. Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs and then act it out.

  Step 5 Presentation

  1. Showing the picture again and say: Now it’s Wednesday. When did the children draw the pictures on the blackboard? (Monday)

  Present this dialogue.

  A: What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in?

  B: He was drawing an elephant.

  Repeat for Han Mei, Jim and Lily and Lucy.

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