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下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision

[05-17 02:46:55]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:【例】(l)Don't forget to post the letter. 不要忘了寄出这封信。 (2)He has forgotten to pay me. 他忘了付钱给我。 (3)I shall never forget hearing Chaliapin singing the part of Boris Go-dunov. 我永远不会忘记沙利亚宾唱波里·高德诺夫一角。(4)Forgive and forget.不念旧恶。4.Now we need to wait for Jim.现在,我们须等等Jim。need既能作名词,亦能作动词,意思是“需要;必须”。need既能作情态动词,也能作规则动词。need解释为规则动词的“需要;要”时,相当于want,need+ V-ing = need to be + V - ed例:It needs rewriting. = It needs to be rewritten. 它需重写.need解释规则动词的“必要”时,相当于be necessary,通常限用于疑问句及否定句中。need作情态动词时,相当

下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision,标签:九年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  【例】(l)Don't forget to post the letter.


   (2)He has forgotten to pay me.


   (3)I shall never forget hearing Chaliapin singing the part of Boris Go-dunov.


  (4)Forgive and forget.不念旧恶。

  4.Now we need to wait for Jim.现在,我们须等等Jim。


  need既能作情态动词,也能作规则动词。need解释为规则动词的“需要;要”时,相当于want,need+ V-ing = need to be + V - ed

  例:It needs rewriting. = It needs to be rewritten. 它需重写.

  need解释规则动词的“必要”时,相当于be necessary,通常限用于疑问句及否定句中。


  5.He can visit his sick grandmother. 他可以去探望他生病的祖母。

  (1)visit(动词)=go to/and see 看望、访问、游览。


  例:visit a friend访友,v

《下学期 Unit 18 Mainly revision》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com isit Rome游访罗马,visit at a hotel住在旅馆里,a visiting card名片,a visiting professor客籍教授,pay a visit to = visit, go on a visit to去……游览,be on a visit to = be visiting 正在游览。



  on sick leave在病假中,sick room病房。

  be sick of sth or sb = be tired of 厌倦……

  6.I’m sure he will be here before long.我肯定他不久就会来的。”

  before long的意思是“不久以后,很快”用于将来时态。而 long before意为“很早以前”,用于过去时。例如:

  (1)I hope to see you again before long.我希望不久再见到你。

  (2)We finished our work long before.我们早就把工作做完了。

  7.I'm beginning to get angry with him.我开始生他的气了。

  get在本句中当系动词,后跟形容词作表语。意思是“变为……;变得……”。需要注意的是 get angry with与 be angry with虽然汉语意思相同,但前者更强调“由不生气变得生气了”这一过程。例如:

  (1)Spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。

  (2)I hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好多了。

  8.Mallory was an English school teacher who loved climbing.


  【例】(1)I didn't see the man who/that stole my bag.


  (2)Most people who/that live in less developed countries are quite poor.


  9.… but some people wondered whether Mallory and Irvine had got there first.


  【例】(1)I don't wonder at her refusing to marry him.


  (2)I wondered to hear her voice in the next room.


  (3)I wonder what she wants.我想知道她需要什么。

  (4)I was wondering how to get there quickly.


  10.The other members of their climbing team watched as Mallory and Irvine climbed slowly up towards the summit. 登山队的其他成员看着Mallory和Irvine向着峰顶缓慢地攀登着。

  (l)climbing team登山队。climbing在这里是动名词,表示目的。所以,climbing team=team for climbing


  walking stick = stick for walking拐杖;sleeping bag = bag for sleeping睡袋;swimming suit = suit for swimming泳装。


  (3)towards = toward(介词)朝……的方向,但不一定到该处。


  11. I had never spoken English with an English person before I went to Toronto.去Toronto之前,我从未与英国人用英语交谈过。

  (1)speak with sb(暗示“俩人互讲”)比speak to sb(暗示“一个讲,另一人听”)更为合理一点。

  (2)这里的English person应该等于English-speaking person,而非person from England。

Lesson 69 教学设计方案一

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

Teaching Objectives:

    1. Revise the grammar: The Adverbial Clause.

    2. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn some new words and expressions.

Language Focus:

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