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英语教案-The football match

[05-17 02:50:06]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 2. 交际用语和句型交际用语表示感情Expressing certain emotionsa. 喜悦Pleasure, joyIt was great. 棒极了。That’s a big score. 大比分。b. 惊奇SurpriseWow! 哇!Yeah! 是!Oh dear! 天哪!c. 感谢Thanks Thanks for your last letter. 感谢你的上次来信。d. 日期 The time 《英语教案-The football match(第2页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网www.88haoxue.comSunday, May 10. 五月十日,星期天。主要句型Statement 陈述句He said he had never seen such an exciting match before. 他说他以前从来没看过这样精彩的比赛。When I got to the check-out, I r

英语教案-The football match,标签:九年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  receive a letter from sb.  收到某人的来信                          

  2. 交际用语和句型


  表示感情 Expressing certain emotions

  a.     喜悦 Pleasure, joy

  It was great. 棒极了。

  That’s a big score. 大比分。

  b.     惊奇 Surprise

  Wow! 哇!

  Yeah! 是!

  Oh dear! 天哪!

  c. 感谢 Thanks

  Thanks for your last letter. 感谢你的上次来信。

  d. 日期 The time

《英语教案-The football match(第2页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网

  Sunday, May 10.  五月十日,星期天。


  Statement 陈述句

  He said he had never seen such an exciting match before. 他说他以前从来没看过这样精彩的比赛。

  When I got to the check-out, I realized I had left my purse at home. 当我到达收银台的时候我意识到我的钱包忘在家里。

  By the time I got there, the bus had already gone. 当我到达那儿的时候,公共汽车已经开了。



  本单元是围绕足球赛这个话题展开的,学习了如何谈论足球比赛,以及一些与足球比赛相关的实际用语。本单元的语法项目还仍旧是过去完成时态,通过一般过去时态与过去完成时态的比较,在第十四单元学过的基础上,进一步归纳总结了过去完成时态。它表示在过去某一时间之前发生的动作或状态;表示从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到过去另一时间的动作或状态;在复合句中表示两个动作的先后关系。认真学习“Girls beat boys”,掌握重点词汇和习惯用语的用法。本单元还要求我们继续进行书写日记的写作训练。同时,还要掌握英文书信的书写格式。


  1.Do you like watching or playing football?



  (1)“What would you like to have, coffee, tea or milk?”“None”.


      (2)“Who are you going to see, John or Bill?”“John.”


  (3)“What would you like, rice or noodles?”“Either.”


  (4)“Do you want this book or that one?”“你要这本书,还是那本书?”

    “I want both.”“两本我都要。”(两者都要)


  2. He said he had never seen such an exciting match before. 他说在以前他从来没有看见过这么激动的比赛。

  句中such是形容词,意思是“这样,那样”,加强语气,表示惊奇的情绪,跟形容词连用。such an exciting match 相当于so exciting a match (这么激动的比赛)。如:

  It was such a lovely day.相当于It was so lovely a day. 那是一个非常美好的日子。

  I have never seen such a large one. 相当于I have never seen so large a one . 我从没有见过这样大的东西。

  3. In a surprising result, the No .69 Middle School girls’ football team yesterday beat their school’s boys’ team. 报出冷门,第69 中学女子足球队战胜了他们学校的男子足球队。

  句中beat 是动词,意思是“连续地打; 打败; 敲打”。beat后可接人或队名。意思是“击败对手。”如:

  I can beat you at swimming.   游泳我比得过你。

   The wheat was beaten down by the rain. 麦子被雨水打得倒伏了。

  The rain beat against the window. 雨水打在窗户上。

  beat 与win、hit的区别:

  win意思是“赢得某个项目”,后面常接“match, game”。如:

  He won a game. 他胜一局。

  We won a match. 我们比赛得胜。

  The boys were winning 2-0. 男孩们正以2比0获胜。


  The mother hit her child out of anger. 妈妈生气,打了她孩子一下。

  4. We all thought this would be an easy game. 我们都原以为这是一场容易的比赛。

  句中的thought 是动词,意思是“原想;以为”。这是虚拟语气,注意从句用过去时,“表示结果不是这样”。如:

  I thought he was a clever boy.  我原以为他是个聪明的男孩。( 他其实并不聪明)

  区别:I think he is a clever boy.  我认为他是个聪明的男孩。(他很可能是聪明的)

  5. He thought the girls deserved to win. 他认为女队应该赢。


  例:Good work deserves good pay. 好的工作应得好的报酬。


  例:be deserving of sympathy 值得同情。

  6. His excellent shot went low to the left of the girls’ goal. 他以一脚刁钻的地滚球射向女队球门的左边。 


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