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英语教案-The worlds population

[05-17 02:50:09]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:2. Learn some new words and useful expressions.Language focus: population, million, billion, increase, grow, What’s the population of Germany?Teaching Procedures:I. Showing tile teaching aimsII. RevisionRevise the numbers between 1 and 100.III. PresentationUse flashcards or numbers on the blackboard to revise one hundred, present a thousand in the same way. Then present ten thousand/ a hundred thousand/ a million and a billionGive the students plenty of practice in reading these number

英语教案-The worlds population,标签:九年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  2. Learn some new words and useful expressions.

Language focus: population, million, billion, increase, grow, What’s the population of Germany?

Teaching Procedures:

 I. Showing tile teaching aims

 II. Revision

  Revise the numbers between 1 and 100.

 III. Presentation

  Use flashcards or numbers on the blackboard to revise one hundred, present a thousand in the same way. Then present ten thousand/ a hundred thousand/ a million and a billion

  Give the students plenty of practice in reading these numbers. Point out the differences between English and Chinese for 10 000 and 100 000.

 IV. Drill

  Part 1. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Show numbers on the blackboard, to give the students more practice in saying the numbers.

 V. Presentation

  Present more difficult numbers, then go through the model. Point out how commas are used.

《英语教案-The worlds population(第4页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com Let the students try to say the numbers in this exercise. Hay the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

 VI. Practice

  Part 3, using a map of the world, go through contents of the table. Learn the meaning of population.

For example:

  1. Our city has a population of two billion.

  2. What’s the population of Tianjin?

  3. China has the largest population of the world.

  Ask the students some questions, using the model given, e.g.: What’s the population of…? What about the population of…? Finally, get the students to ask and answer in pairs.

 VII. Exercises in class

  Let the students do enough practice in reading the numbers.

  Have a dictation.

  1. What’s the population of France? About fifty - eight million.

  2. The worlds population was about 5 300 million in 1990.

  3. Nine billion, eight hundred and seventy - three million, four hundred and twenty - five thousand, two hundred and sixty - one.

  Work in groups

  Show a picture of the numbers of World’s population. Teacher speak out the names of country or city, and ask the students speak out each number one by one in their group. And then ask the other group to practise this again. Whose sound is correct and clearly? Whose number reading is best?

 VIII. Homework

  1. Revise the numbers

  2. Make five partners in asking the population.

Lesson 50 教学设计示例

Period: The Second Period

Content: Lesson 50

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures.

Teaching Objectives:

  1. Understand the text.

  2. Learn some useful words and phrases.

Language Focus: room, hour after hour.

Teaching Procedures:

 I. Showing the teaching aims

 II. Revision

  Get the students to revise the numbers first, then give them a dictation:

  A. 173  B. 6854  C. 17 000   D.456789   E.88990   F.378565214. Finally check their answers.

 III. Leading in

  Ask: Do you know what the population of China or any other country in the world is? Then say: Today were going to read about the world’s population. The world’s population is growing very fast. It is a big and serious problem. Can you tell me the reasons? Let the students discuss and help them answer with: “There isnt enough food, work for too many people. There arent enough houses…” etc.

  Let the students read the questions at the top of the page, get them to know very clearly, then ask them to read the passage quickly. And answer the questions.

 IV. Reading

  Get the students to look at the Exercise below:

  1. How many babies are born in one hour?

  2. What do you think is the greatest challenge of the world today?

  3. How is the world’s population growing?

  4. When was the population over 6 billion?

  5. What will happen in about 600 years?

  Go through the questions, then read the passage more carefully, try to find all the answers in the reading. Discuss the answers with the classmates. The students should understand the meaning of the words such as: earth, mouth, space and century from the context. Let them note the use of comparative of adjectives and adverbs in the passage. Finally check the answers with the whole class.

 V. Practice

  Let the students know a little more knowledge about the world’s population.

  The world’s population is now over 60 billion. Its likely to reach 10 billion by the middle of the 21st century. The Third World population is rising rapidly, straining health and education systems, hitting the environment, causing explosive urban growth and complicating food supply. So population has become a serious problem. The reading passage in this lesson aims to draw the student - concern about this great world problem.

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