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英语教案-Planting trees

[05-17 02:50:12]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:Whats the Great Green Wall?Where does China build the Great Green Wall?What does the Great Green Wall do?在学生讨论过程中,教师可利用学生用书第III页彩图和教师用书提供的材料 (Notes),适当给学生们补充一些背景知识 。T: Sanbei shelter-forest (三北防护林) is known as China’s “Great Green Wall”. It is a “Great Green Wall” of trees, millions of trees. China has built a new Great Green Wall across the northern part, including Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin. The Great Green Wall also covers some of the Northwest (Xinjiang, Qin

英语教案-Planting trees,标签:九年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  Whats the Great Green Wall?

  Where does China build the Great Green Wall?

  What does the Great Green Wall do?

  在学生讨论过程中,教师可利用学生用书第III页彩图和教师用书提供的材料 (Notes),适当给学生们补充一些背景知识 。

  T: Sanbei shelter-forest (三北防护林) is known as China’s “Great Green Wall”. It is a “Great Green Wall” of trees, millions of trees. China has built a new Great Green Wall across the northern part, including Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin. The Great Green Wall also covers some of the Northwest (Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Shanxi) and the western part of the Northeast (Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang). It includes altogether 13 provinces, cities and autonomous regions (自治区). Its total area is 4, 069, 000 square kilometres, which cover 42.4% of the land of China. The building of the Great Green Wall will take 73 years (1978—2050). The Great Green Wall has already saved a lot of land by stopping the wind from blowing the earth away and the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. But more “Great Green Walls” are still needed not only in China but all over the world.


  然后让学生打开书阅读课文。在确知大部分学生已基本掌握课文大意的情况下,要求他们划分课文段落并找出每个段落的主题句 (topic sentence)。然后对文章进行段落的划分。然后让学生归纳出每个段落的大意。



  主题句:Forests help to keep water from running away.

  第一段大意:The importance of forests;


  主题句:Chinese people have built a new Great Wall.

  第二段大意:Something about the Great Wall in China   

  第三段:第 4—6自然段

  主题句:The more trees there are, the better harvests we have.

  第三段大意:Something about a worker, who works on the Green Great Wall, thinks highly about the Green Great Wall.


Special features

across the northern part of China,7,0OO kilometres long,between

400 and l700 kilometres wide


It stops the wind from blowing the earth away; and stops the sand from moving toward the rich farmland in the south. It has saved a lot of land.

Wang Feng and other workers

They work at Yulin in Shaanxi. They have planted ten thousand tree this year. It’s difficult to work on the Great Green Wall. They have to grow their own food.

  提取主题词(key words)也有助于帮助学生复述课文大意。


keep from, water, soil, floods


copy, across, is…long and between…and …wide, stop…from, save, needed, all over the world

Wang Feng

  work on…, visit, among, ask, plant, over there, on the hill, five years ago, in a few years’ time, be covered, point to, difficult, grow food, thanks to

  在进行写作训练时,可以要求学生仿照课文,写一篇以How to plant flowers in the garden 为题目作文。



  在第41课,以显著的位置展示题为“HOW TO PLANT A TREE”的操作规程(instructions),教师如果仅仅是按部就班地讲解,就会使学生感到枯燥乏味。要充分利用课文中所提供的情景,在有意义的情景中教学语法知识。例如,教师可利用简笔画来引出新的语法知识。学生基本掌握instructions大意后,教师应引导他们理解情态动词的用法。到了第43课可采用对比的方法。教师列出两个框框,要求学生分别填上课文中已出现的带情态动词的句子,和可以由主动语态变为情态动词的被动语态的句子,把变化后的句子填入框内。如下表: 

1. The ground must be just right.

2. But the hole should not be too deep.

1. The earth should be neither too wet nor too dry.

2. A hole must be dug large enough for the tree. The size of the hole must be just right.

3. A long, strong stick should be knocked into the earth next to the hole. It must be firmly planted.

4. The tree must be put in the hole so that it is straight. The tree must stand straight in the hole.

5. The earth must be put back in the hole again.

6. The earth should be pushed down hard with ....

7. The tree must be tied to the top of the stick ....

8. It should be watered well, ....


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