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英语教案-What is it made o

[05-17 02:50:15]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:Show the students the real objects, and ask students some questions. The questions are:1. What’s this in English? 2. What’s it made of?3. What’s it used for?Teach the students the knowledge of this part through speaking. Try to answer the three questions. Help them really understand this lesson. 《英语教案-What is it made o(第4页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网www.88haoxue.comIV. PracticeAsk some students to use the Objects in the class and practise the sentence patterns:1. What’s this in English?2. Wh

英语教案-What is it made o,标签:九年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  Show the students the real objects, and ask students some questions. The questions are:

  1. What’s this in English?

  2. What’s it made of?

  3. What’s it used for?

  Teach the students the knowledge of this part through speaking. Try to answer the three questions. Help them really understand this lesson.

《英语教案-What is it made o(第4页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com  IV. Practice

  Ask some students to use the Objects in the class and practise the sentence patterns:

  1. What’s this in English?

  2. What’s it made of?

  3. What’s it used for?

 Then practise in groups and in pairs.

 V. Teaching grammar

  At first, tell the students the grammar:

  The Active and Passive Voice.

  Then, give some examples, e. g.

  1. Many people speak English.

   English is spoken by many people.

  2. Tom likes swimming.

   Swimming is liked by Tom.

  Tell the students the Passive Voice structure. And ask the students to make some sentences and change them into Passive Voice.

 VI. Practice

  Practice the useful expressions: be made of and be used for in groups and in pairs.

 VII. Workbook

  Ask the students to open their books, look at Exercise 1 and ask them do it in pairs.

  Exercise 2. Look at these pictures and use the sentences to made sentences.

 VIII. Exercise in class

  Fill in the blank with the right verb forms.

  1. Wood can be used for _________ (make) tables.

  2. The jacket is __________ (make) of cotton.

  3. Where are Oranges _________ (grow)?

  4. English is__________ (speak) all over the world.

  5. Knives are used for ___________ (cut) things.

  6. Trees are _________ (plant) in spring.

 IX. Homework.

  1. Revise the new words and expressions.

  2. Do Exercise 3 in Workbook.


Lesson 34
Period: The second Period

Content: Lesson 34

Properties: Recorders

Teaching Objectives:

  1. Get the students to understand the text.

  2. Learn how to use the useful words and expressions.

Language Focus:

  The useful words and expressions the number of; the most; else; none

Teaching Procedures:

 I. Organizing

  Greetings and make a duty report.

 II. Revision

  1. Check the homework

  2. Go over the words and expressions.

 III. Pre – reading

  Get the students to work in pairs to discuss the questions. Then talk about together in class.

 IV. Presentation

  Ask the students to look at Exercise 1 in the workbook.

 V. Reading

  1. Close books and listen to the tape.

  2. Answer the questions in the exercise 1.

  3. Reading the text in groups and in pairs.

 V. Teaching Language Focus.

  Choose some important ones to explain and practise.

  1. the number of

  2. the most

  3. else

 VI. Reading and practice

  Play the tape and ask the students to listen first. Then play the tape again, ask them to repeat sentence by sentence.

 VII. Workbook

  For Exercise 2, ask the students to pay attention to the letters in boldface.

  Do Exercise 3.

 VIII. Exercise in class.

  Fill in the blanks with the right forms.

  1. Those _________ (Japan) will travel to American.

  2. English is the most ________ (wide) spoken in the world.

  3. Is Bill from ________ (French) or Japan?

  4. You will find it__________ (use) after you graduate from school.

  5. Beijing people are ________ to the world. (friend)

 IX. Homework

  1. Do Exercise 4 in the workbook.

  2. Read the passage carefully.

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