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[05-17 02:53:13]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:680

概要: 《高一英语教案UNIT2(第2页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网www.88haoxue.comStep 2 PresentationPlay a tape of various people’s talking. Ask which is from England and which from America. How do they tell? In this way draw the students’ attention to the difference on the pronunciation. Step 3 ReadingAsk the students to read the text and be prepared for one question how come the difference between the American English and the British English. Explain some language points if necessary.Ask the students to read


www.88haoxue.com Step 2 Presentation

Play a tape of various people’s talking. Ask which is from England and which from America. How do they tell? In this way draw the students’ attention to the difference on the pronunciation.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the text and be prepared for one question how come the difference between the American English and the British English. Explain some language points if necessary.

Ask the students to read the text again carefully and finish the exercise on page 13.

Step 4 Retelling

Ask the students to say something about the difference between the American English and the British English according to what they just learned.

Step 5 Specific Reading

Students read the paragraph about American English and fill in the chart on page 14.

Step 6 Homework

Ask the students to write a short passage about the dialects in Chinese. They can use the text as a simple.



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