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高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)

[05-17 02:54:54]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:680

概要: He bought the bag for $20 . 4 . recognize与know 〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) recognize “认出,辨认出;承认,认可;认识到”,建立在原来认识的基础上。如: She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her . They recognized this man without difficulty . ( 2 ) know 也有“认出,认识”之意,常和 from 连用,其含义为“辨认,区别”。 They\'re twins and it\'s almost impossible to know one from the other . It is not always easy to know right from wrong . 注意:recognize 为短暂性动词,不能与延续的时间状语连用;如需表示长时期相识时,可用动词 know 取代 recognize . 5 . ac

高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链),标签:高一英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
He bought the bag for $20 .
4 . recognize与know
〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) recognize “认出,辨认出;承认,认可;认识到”,建立在原来认识的基础
She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her .
They recognized this man without difficulty .
( 2 ) know 也有“认出,认识”之意,常和 from 连用,其含义为“辨认,区别”。
They\'re twins and it\'s almost impossible to know one from the other .
It is not always easy to know right from wrong .
注意:recognize 为短暂性动词,不能与延续的时间状语连用;如需表示长时期相识时,可用动词 know 取代 recognize .
5 . accept , receive与get
〖明晰〗( 1 ) accept “接受,答应”,主要表示主观上的同意接受,着重主语的态度。
He has accepted the doctor\'s advice to give up smoking .
( 2 ) receive , get 都可表示“收到”,强调客观,并不涉及主观上是否愿意接受。如:
Mary received/got a gift from

《高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)(第2页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com a friend of hers , but she didn\'t seem to accept it .
6 . “拜访”:call at , call on , drop in ( on/at ) , visit , pay a visit ( to )
〖明晰〗( 1 ) call at 后接地点,表示到某处去拜访某人。如:
She asked him to call at Brown\'s Hotel to see her daughter .
You\'d better call at his office .
( 2 ) call on 比较正式,后接人作宾语,指进行短暂的社交或公务关系的访问,有时也有 call upon。如:
After we moved into the new home , our neighbours came to call on us .
( 3 ) drop in 则一般表示非正式的走访,顺便拜访,事先不打招呼。如果后跟人,介词用 on ; 如果后跟地点,介词用 at。如:
He dropped in on us last Sunday .
Now and then they would drop in at the houses and chat with the workers .
( 4 ) visit 正式用语,可以表示进行时间较长的访问。既可指进行友好或社交性的访问,也可指因职务关系而进行的访问。如:
When does she visit you again ?
The doctor regularly visited her in the afternoon .
( 5 ) pay a visit ( to ) “对……进行访问;去看望……”,此处 visit 是名词,该词组与 visit 同义。如:
Perhaps we\'ll pay a visit to China from March 16 to 23 .
7 . pay back , pay for , pay off , pay out
〖明晰〗( 1 ) pay back“偿还,偿付;报复”。pay 本身即有“付清、付帐”的意思,加 back 后更强调“偿还”的意思。如:
It\'s high time he paid you back the money he owes you .
( 2 ) pay for “付款,偿付”。如:
How much did you pay for the recorder ?
( 3 ) pay off“还清债务,付掉”。如:
I\'ll pay off my debt with this check .
( 4 ) pay out“付出”。如:
They paid out $550 that month .
8. SEEC 高一册第18单元第69课有这样一个句子:
I\'m sorry , but I don\'t think I know you .
你。从译文可以看出,该句否定词 not 否定的不是 think 而是 know,这就是我们常说的
※ 从主句转移至从句。
(1) 从主句转移至 that ( that 可以省略 ) 引起的宾语从句。如:
I don\'t think that he\'ll accept your invitation . 我认为他不会接受你的邀请。
I don\'t believe he told a lie . 我相信他没有说谎。
(2) 从主句转移至 because 引起的原因状语从句。如:
He didn\'t go to see the movie because he liked it . 他不是因为喜欢那部影片才去看它的。
(3) 从主句转移至 as 引起的方式状语从句。如:
She didn\'t do her job as I had told her .
※ 以谓语为枢纽,在句子成分之间相互转移。从其它成分转移至谓语。
(1) 从主语转移至谓语。如:Nothing has happened .
(2) 从宾语转移至谓语。如:I know none of them .
※ 从谓语转移至其它成分。
(1) 部分否定时,从谓语转移至主语。如:All the necklaces were not made of diamond . 并非所有的项链都由钻石制成。
(2) 从谓语转移至状语。如:Don\'t go there so early .
(3) 从复合谓语的前半部分转移至后半部分。如:
The news doesn\'t seem to be true .
9. L . 69 ( P . 13 ) 中有:She married a man with a lot of money . ( 她嫁给了一位富翁。 ) 句中的 marry 一词,意为“与 ( 某人 ) 结婚;娶;嫁”。但它的用法及搭配远不止这些。
〖明晰〗 ※ marry vt . “与 ( 某人 ) 结婚”;“娶 ( 某人 ) 为妻”;“嫁给 ( 某人 ) ”。用于指配偶的情况,需要接宾语。如:
He is going to marry Miss Alice .
Mary married a Frenchman .
※ marry vi . “结婚”,只表示婚姻状况,常有副词修饰。如:
The doctor married late in life . 这医生结婚很晚。
The famous actress never married .
※ be ( get ) married to sb . “与……结婚”。表示已婚状态。如:

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