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Unit 14 Mainly revision

[05-17 02:56:08]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:680

概要:3) Decide which is True and which is False.a. Ken didn’t enjoy his new school at all because it was so small.b. Ken asked Amy for advice on how to grow tall.c. Yang Mei thought it wrong to tell lies.d. Yang Mei loves her cousin so they were planning to spend part of the winter vacation together.e. Amy's advice to Ken is that he should look for one special friend.f. Amy told Yang Mei that she shouldn't ask her cousin home for the vacation.Suggested answers: F F T F T TStep IV Pr

Unit 14 Mainly revision,标签:高一英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  3) Decide which is True and which is False.

  a. Ken didn’t enjoy his new school at all because it was so small.

  b. Ken asked Amy for advice on how to grow tall.

  c. Yang Mei thought it wrong to tell lies.

  d. Yang Mei loves her cousin so they were planning to spend part of the winter vacation together.

  e. Amy's advice to Ken is that he should look for one special friend.

  f. Amy told Yang Mei that she shouldn't ask her cousin home for the vacation.

Suggested answers: F F T F T T

Step IV Practice

invite, do, keep, get, use, grow, ask, make, become, think

  1. Today the Great Wall ____ a place of interest not only to the Chinese people, but also to the people from all over the world.

  2. They thought it important ____ a secret.

  3. Our teachers ____ he could pass the examinations last term.

  4. Recently he ____ the suggestion that they should talk with each other in English.

  5. I don t think we know him well enough ____ him for advice.

  6. I asked how she ____ on with her work.

  7. He ____ to eat rice, but now he has been used to eating steamed bread.

  8. He came in without ____.

  9. All the seeds she had dropped ____ into trees.

  10. Are you going ____ a washing today?

Step V Oral practice

  1. Make a dialogue between Amy and her mother using what they have learnt. Begin like this: A for Amy, M for mother.

  M: Have you written back to. . . ?

  A: Yes.

  M: Did you give. . . some advice?

  A: Yes.

  M: What’s your advice for. . . ?

  2. Ask the students to discuss the following topics in groups of four. Write down the main points. Then ask one of the four to show their own opinions.


《Unit 14 Mainly revision(第3页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com 1) What will you do if you have a friend who has begun to tell lies?

  2) Do you think whether to be thin or fat is important to people especially to young ladies?

  3) What can we learn from the lesson?

  3. Make up a new dialogue using “I thought. . . , but it wasn't.”

 For example:

   A: Where did you go for the weekend?

   B: Well, I was going to the shop, but in fact I went to the free market.

   A: What was it like?

   B: I thought it would be very busy and crowded, but in fact it was quiet.

Step VI Homework
  1. Exercises in the Wb.

  2. Read the passages repeatedly and then recite one of them.

  3. Write a short passage using the words and expressions learnt in this unit.

Suggested model:

  Li Hong told me that she was tired of her partner and she was considering changing the seats with others in a few days' time. Her partner had studied very well. She thought it was going to be fun for them to sit together. But later she found she didn’t like her at all and they couldn’t get on well with each other. I asked her why, she didn't reply to my question, and she just said sometimes he laughed at her. She also worried about her changing because she had to ask for the permission of the head teacher.



  1.假定你是Amy, 接到两封信。用自己的语言描写这两封信,或编写一个与自己母亲的小对话。
  Suppose you are Amy and you've just got two letters. Describe the letters in your own words:
  I've got two letters this morning. The first letter is from Ken. He told me that he did not like new school, because all the other students had been in the same school before and they got along with each other very well. Though Ken tried to be friendly, they still did not like him and even made fun of him sometimes. So Ken asked me for some advice.
  The second letter is from Yang Mei. In her letter she told me something about her cousin.
  She had invited her cousin home to spend part of the winter vacation with her. But then she discovered that her cousin had started to tell lies. She did not know whether to tell his parents and teachers or not. So she asked me for my advice.
Mum; Amy, have you written back to Ken and Yang Mei?
Amy: Yes, and I've posted the letters already.
Mum; Did you give Ken some advice?
Amy: Yes. I told him not to worry about being short. Many people are short, and they are just fine.
Mum: Hmm, but Ken's problem is that he doesn't have friends at school, and what was your suggestion?
Amy: I told him that he should choose a special friend, someone who he thinks is kind and friendly, and I told him not to spend too much time alone.
Mum: Good. And what did you say in your letter to Yang Mei?

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