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Charlie Chaplin

[05-17 02:57:07]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高二英语教案   阅读:680

概要:not only…but also…是连词词组,连接两个相同的结构。1) 连接主语Not only you but also Jack has been to Hangzhou.不仅你,还有杰克去过杭州。注意:连接主语时,句子谓语动词单复数采取就近原则。如:Not only Tom but also I am an engineer.不仅汤姆,我也是工程师。2)连接谓语动词Tom can not only sing, but also dance. 汤姆不仅会唱歌,而且能跳舞。3)连接宾语I saw not only Tom but also Jack in the park.我去公园里不仅见到了汤姆,还见到了杰克。 4)连接状语We study English not only at school but also at home, not only in class but also after class.我们不仅在学校,而且在家里也学英语;不仅在课堂上,而且在课后也学英语。5)连接表语Lu Xun was not only a writer but also

Charlie Chaplin,标签:高二英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  not only…but also…是连词词组,连接两个相同的结构。
1) 连接主语
  Not only you but also Jack has been to Hangzhou.不仅你,还有杰克去过杭州。
  Not only Tom but also I am an engineer.不仅汤姆,我也是工程师。
  Tom can not only sing, but also dance. 汤姆不仅会唱歌,而且能跳舞。
  I saw not only Tom but also Jack in the park.我去公园里不仅见到了汤姆,还见到了杰克。
  We study English not only at school but also at home, not only in class but also after class.我们不仅在学校,而且在家里也学英语;不仅在课堂上,而且在课后也学英语。
  Lu Xun was not only a writer but also a thinker. 鲁迅不仅是个作家,而且是个思想家。
  Zhou Lan was elected not only monitor, but also League branch secretary. 周兰不仅当选为班长,还当选为团支部书记。
  not only …but also还可连接两个分句,但第一个分句的主语和谓语要倒装。如:
  Not only did the teachers take part in the English evening party, but    also they sang songs at the party. 老师们不仅出席了英语晚会,而且还在晚会上唱了歌。

  At the age of eight, be joined a group of child dancers, and at seventeen he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors. 8岁时,他参加了儿童舞剧团;17岁时,他跟一些喜剧演员去了美国。
1) 年龄表达方式:
  He was a boy of sixteen.
  When he was sixteen, he went to college.
  By the time he was ten, he had built himself a chemistry lab. 十岁时,他已建成了自己的化学实验室。
  At (the age of ) twelve he began to sell newspapers on the train. 十二岁时,他开始在火车上卖报。
  When he was in his early / middle / late thirties, he began to learn   Russian. 他三十出头/三十五六/年近四十时开始学俄语。
2) set off = set out, start, leave动身,出发;类似的表达有:
  start for A 动身前往A地 leave B for A 离开B地前往A地
  set out for A出发前往 A地 set off for A 动身前往 A地
  sail for A 起航前往 A地 head for A 向 A地进发
  make way for A向A地移动
  set about着手做,set up 搭起,建起,set sb. free释放, set out 出发;着手,set an example to sb. 给……树立榜样, set fire to 放火
3) child儿童舞蹈员child名词作定语,修饰另一个名词时须用单数。如:two book  stores 两家书店 three shoe shops三家鞋店 their boy friends 他们的男性朋友
  注意:two men doctors 两位男医生 three women teachers 三名女教师

  As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that was too become world famous. 早在他拍第二部影片时,卓别林就形成了自己的表演风格,就是闻名于世的那种风格。
  1) his own manner of acting = his own acting style他自己的表演风格.

《Charlie Chaplin》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com  manner (n.) 指文艺上的“风格”或“手法”。
  2) the one是不定代词,在句中作his own manner of acting的同位语,而that引导的从句是定语从句,修饰the one.
  3) was too become 意为“就要成为”。这种由[be+动词不定式]的结构相当于be going to do sth., 常用来表示“按计划或安排将要发生的动作”。如:
  All these things are to be answered for. 所有这一切都是要偿还的。
  We are to meet at the school gate at six in the morning. 我们定于早上六点在校门口集合。

  Because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.给电影配音的设备还没有研制出来。
  1) add vt. 增加,增添;补充说。如:
  If you add 5 to 5, you get 10. 五加五得十。
  If the tea is too strong, add some water. 要是茶太浓,加点儿水。
  “I am sorry,” he added, “I didn’t realize it.” “抱歉,”他补充说,“我不明白。”
  2) add to 增加,增进
  The trip adds greatly to our understanding of your country.
  3) add…to…在……增加.如:
  Please add these names to your list.请在你的名单上增加这几个名字
  4) add up to加起来(达到)…….如:
  The figures add up to 180.这些数字加起来是180。

  People said gold could easily picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.据说用一个水盆淘洗河里的砂子可以很容易地把金子筛选出来。
  1)pick up 收集到;捡起;接;接收(节目)
  The child picked up a wallet outside the school.
  He picked up a little French during his visit to Paris.在访问巴黎期间他学到点儿法语。
  We use a radio to pick up English programmes. 我们用收音机收听英语节目。
  2) by是介词,意为“以……方法”、“以……手段”。如:by bus, by air. 后跟动词-ing形式时,表示“以……动作、做……事”。如:
We can learn English well by listening, speaking, reading and writing.通过听说读写我们就可以学好英语。

  So far they have been unlucky in their search for gold.到那时为止,他们找金子的运气一直不好。
  1) so far到目前为止;到这个地步;到这种程度。如:

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