
The trick

[05-17 03:03:40]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:Smoke was seen rising from the chimney. 其它感觉动词observe, notice, hear, look at, listen to 等等都有同样的结构和区别语法:直接引语和间接引语1)普通陈述句由直接引语变间接引语时需注意人称代词的变化、时态的变化以及某些动词和时间、地点状语的变化。人称代词的变化需根据具体的语境而定。动词时态的变化一般向前推进一个时态,如现在时要改为过去时、过去时改为过去完成时等。某些动词、时间和地点状语的变化可参见下表。 注意人称代词,动词时态,动词,时间及地点状语的变化: 如果时间状语为具体的某年某月某日,在变为间接引语时保留,其相应的时态可以保留不变,有的时态仍需变化,视上下文而定。如: 2)如果说直接引语为疑问句,变为间接引语时,除了作出上表所要求的变化外还要将疑问语序改为陈述语序,就像一般宾语从句的语序一样。如果是一般疑问句需加if 或whether表示“是否”。如: 3)如果直接引语为祈使句,在变换为间接引语时除了作出上表所要求的变化以外有时还需变换动词。比较:

The trick,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  Smoke was seen rising from the chimney.

  其它感觉动词observe, notice, hear, look at, listen to 等等都有同样的结构和区别









  2)如果说直接引语为疑问句,变为间接引语时,除了作出上表所要求的变化外还要将疑问语序改为陈述语序,就像一般宾语从句的语序一样。如果是一般疑问句需加if 或whether表示“是否”。如:







Lesson 37教学设计方案

  Good morning, class.First I’ll ask you a question: If you go home much later than your usual time,what will your parents do? I had such experience twice when I was as young as you.I enjoyed myself so much that I forgot to tell my parents that I would be late.Then when I got home, I felt so sorry to discover that they were so worried about me.
  Now, let’s watch the vedio and guess why they looked so worried.

StepII.watch and answer:
I.Watch the vedio for the first time and answer:
  1.Where are the three students?
  2.What are they doing?
  3.What are they discussing?
II.Watch the vedio again and finish Exs1 on page 181.
  1.Why is Student A sure that Linda Bell will turn up soon?
  A.She thinks Linda is in another town visiting her friends.
  B.She doesn’t think Linda is far away.
  C.She guessed that Linda is somewhere in the college.(A)
  2.Why is Student B worried about Linda?
  A.She is afraid that Linda may be ill.
  B.She thinks that Linda may have had an accident.
  C.She can’t find Linda’s money belt. (B)
  3.Why does Student C think Linda hasn’t left the college?
  A.Because Linda is a very hard –working student.
  B.Because Linda is not te kind of student who will miss   classes.
  C.Because Linda has left most of her clothes,papers and books ih her room.(C)
  4.Why do the girls finally think that Linda has gone somewhere for a few days?
  A.They can’t find Linda’s purse in any of the drawers.
  B.They can’t find Linda’s money belt.
  C.They can’t find Linda’s passport ,purse or money belt.(C)
StepIII.Language study:
  1. 1)“Yes,that’s possible,but we can’t be sure. Something may have happened to her.She might have had an accident.”
  May, might 表推测,may have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测。又如:“And I can’t find her passport anywhere. So she must have taken that too.”
  2) “I’m worried that something has happened to her. It’s not like her to have missed two days of classes.”
  It’s not like sb. to do sth: to do 不定式表示将来要发生的动作,如要表示过去发生的动作用:to have done的形式。
  2.“Her clothes are here, or at least most of them.And her papers and books are aall over the desk.So it looks as if she meant to ret

《The trick(第2页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com urn.
  Mean to do: intend to do, be going to do.
I’m sorry I hurt you: I didn’t mean to.对不起,我弄伤了你,我不是故意的。
  2) mean:adj,形容词,In the store, they were mean to me because I looked poor.
  Mean:(of people or their behaviour)unworthy;unkind(指人或人的行为),卑鄙的,不善良的。

StepIV :Act out.(divide the class into several groups and give them some time to prepare ,then ask them to act it out in class.They can add something, and they can change something.)
StepV. Homework: Prepare the following texts by themselves.

Lesson 38教学设计方案

Today we will learn an interesting story.

StepI.Fast Reading:

I.Search for the answers within 3 minutes.

  1.Why was Bill worried?

  2.Where had Bill planned to travel to?

II.Reading comprehension:

StepII.Discussion: Discuss these questions in pairs.

  3.Why did Bill pretend to admire something in the shop window?

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