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英语教案-unin 14 Roots-听力完形

[05-17 03:04:46]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:A. how B. after C. what D. when答案 :C 通过率 :74%测试语言点 :名词从句,状语从句与动词不定式的协调应用。要吸取的经验 :类似第27题,这个短句子要作为一个“整体”看待。上文的do与下文的do都要兼顾。上文的do, do什么?下文的do又do什么?不回答这两个问题,便会顾头不顾尾,选择失误。试对比下面句子的不同上下文 :A computer can only do __what__ you have instructed it to do.A computer can do nothing __when__ you haven’t instructed it to work .A computer can only do something __after__ you have instructed it to do so.A computer does not know __how_ human beings constructed robots its new genera

英语教案-unin 14 Roots-听力完形,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  A. how     B. after          C. what        D. when

答案 :C    通过率 :74%

测试语言点 :名词从句,状语从句与动词不定式的协调应用。

要吸取的经验 :

  类似第27题,这个短句子要作为一个“整体”看待。上文的do与下文的do都要兼顾。上文的do, do什么?下文的do又do什么?不回答这两个问题,便会顾头不顾尾,选择失误。试对比下面句子的不同上下文 :

  A computer can only do __what__ you have instructed it to do.

  A computer can do nothing __when__ you haven’t instructed it to work .

  A computer can only do something __after__ you have instructed it to do so.

  A computer does not know __how_  human beings constructed robots ----

its new generation .

8. 此题系2001年之(32)题

   Visitors __________  not to touch the exhibits .

  A. will  request   B. request     C. are requesting   D. are requested

答案 :D     通过率 :66%

测试语言点 :动词被动语态与主动语态的区别。

要吸取的经验 :

 request这个动词你可能不认识,但是只要掌握了动词被动语态与主动语态的句型,顾名思义,便会区别它们 。例句:

  Visitors _are requested(are asked)  not to touch the exhibits .

  Visitors _request _ the guide not to show them around such a large hall with so many

  exhibits within such a short time .  It is to take them only half an hour to visit

the whole museum  !

  Visitors _will request_ the tour agency to make up for the loss of their time if there

is another twenty minutes’ delay during their visit to the second place of interest .

  Visitors _are requesting _ the tour guide not to waste too much time on the exhibits

they are not interested in at all

《英语教案-unin 14 Roots-听力完形(第3页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网

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