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英语教案-unin8 A person of great determination教学目标

[05-17 03:05:02]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:第一句比第二句更接近于完成。2)在具体数字前面常用nearly。例如:The river is nearly 100 metres wide.这条河大约是100米宽。3)almost可与no,nothing,none,never等连用,此时不能nearly代替。Almost no one believed him.几乎无人相信他的话。There’s almost none left.几乎一个没剩。5.辨析except,besides, except for,except,but1)except表示“除……之外”,含有排他的涵义;besides表示“除……之外还有……”,有“附加”的涵义。如:He gets up early every day except Sunday.他每天早起,除了星期天例外。He answered all the questions except the last one.除了最后一题,他回答了所有的问题。2)except for 和except不同之处是:前者“除开”的部分和论述的部分通常不是同一类事物,而后者则为同一类事物。试比较:Thi

英语教案-unin8 A person of great determination教学目标,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
The river is nearly 100 metres wide.这条河大约是100米宽。
Almost no one believed him.几乎无人相信他的话。
There’s almost none left.几乎一个没剩。
5.辨析except,besides, except for,except,but
He gets up early every day except Sunday.他每天早起,除了星期天例外。
He answered all the questions except the last one.除了最后一题,他回答了所有的问题。
2)except for 和except不同之处是:前者“除开”的部分和论述的部分通常不是同一类事物,而后者则为同一类事物。试比较:
This article is easy to understand except for some idiomatic expressions.
Except this one, the other articles are easy to understand.除了这篇文章,其他的文章都好懂得。
3)except for含有“除……之外,其他都……”,“如果没有……那就”这样一层意思,而except单纯指“除……之外”。多用在发表“评论”的场合
4)介词but与except同义,意为“除……之外”(not including),常放在any,every,no以及含有这些词的复合不定代词如anybody,anyone,anything,anywhere, everybody,everyone,everything,everywhere,nobody,nothing,nowhere和no one,none,all等词后。例如:
He has nothing in the handbag but a copy of dictionary.

《英语教案-unin8 A person of great determination教学目标(第2页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com 有一本字典。
(一)asleep是表语形容词,它不能放在名词之前,例如我们不可以说:Look at the asleep baby,应把asleep改为sleeping。例:
She was fast asleep;I couldnt wake her up.她睡得很熟,我喊不醒她。
The old man has fallen asleep.那个老人睡着了。
请注意,be asleep是指“睡着”的状态,如果表示“入睡”的意味,就要用fall asleep。上面两个例句反映了这个区别。
(二)sleeping 是定语形容词,它放在它所修饰的名词之前,如the sleeping baby。如果放在 verb“to be”之后(He is sleeping),sleeping不是形容词,而是动词,is sleeping 是现在进行时。例:
Who is that sleeping man? 那个在睡觉的人是谁?
Keep an eye on the sleeping baby.照看好那个在睡觉的婴孩。
Let sleeping dogs lie. 莫惹事生非。
The children fell sleepy;put them to bed.孩子们困了,把他们放到床上睡吧。
Here are the outskirts/suburbs of Kowloon.Do you like this sleepy valley?
7.as well as,as well
作为习语用作介词时,as well as的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”。值得注意的是,在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在 A,不在 B。因此,“He can speak Spanish as well as English.”的译文应该是:“他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语”,决不能译作:“他不但会说西班牙语,而且会讲英语”。如果这样翻译,就是本末倒置了。as well as和 not only… but also…同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好颠倒。
如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好”。因此,“He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作:“他说西班牙语像说英语一样好”。语意的重点依旧在前部,不在后半部。
请注意 as well as以下的用法:
She called on you as well as I. 不但我来看你,她也拜访了你。
She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。
在下列句中,as well as表示“像…一样”的涵义:
She as well as you is an English teacher. 她像你一样也是英文教师。
As well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but搭配使用。例:
He is a worker,and a poet as well.他是工人,但也是诗人。
China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals as well.
Mr.Liu can speak English,but he can speak Cantonese as well.

《英语教案-unin8 A person of great determination教学目标(第3页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网

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