88好学网范文常识招聘应聘简历知识英文简历的错误» 正文


[05-20 15:49:52]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  简历知识   阅读:680

概要:260个字的事实你大约需要260个字就能给招聘方留下初步印象了,所以不要浪费任何一个字,你要简明扼要,要开门见山,千万不要用剩下的259个字在一个话题上绕圈子。2 The C&P (Copy & Paste) ResumeMany job seekers want to contact as many employers in as little time as possible, and most forget to tailor their resumes for each job they are applying to. When assembling your resume, Seattle Working English kindly reminds you to remember the age old saying: what you put in is what you get out. So the better resumes get the closer looks.一份万能简历很多求职者都想在最短的时间里尽可能联系到更多的招聘企业,然而却忘




  2 The C&P (Copy & Paste) Resume

  Many job seekers want to contact as many employers in as little time as possible, and most forget to tailor their resumes for each job they are applying to. When assembling your resume, Seattle Working English kindly reminds you to remember the age old saying: what you put in is what you get out. So the better resumes get the closer looks.



  3 Verbosity

  Many resume builders, especially first-timers, make the mistake of trying to cram as much information as possible into their resume. Multiple pages and high word counts do not translate into an increased opportunity that you will be hired. Remember: it’s not the length of your resume that counts—it’s the way that you use your space.

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