88好学网范文常识作文优秀作文关于写最美女教师张丽莉的英语作文» 正文


[05-12 19:51:56]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  优秀作文   阅读:680

概要:关于写最美女教师张丽莉的英语作文以下是一则关于“最美女教师”报道的主要内容。 人 物:张丽莉(女),佳木斯市第十九中学教师 年 龄:29岁 时 间:20xx年5月8日晚 8:38分 地 点:十九中校门口事情经过: (1)学生放学准备坐车回家; (2)一大巴失控突然撞向两学生; (3)张老师连拉带推使他们脱离了危险; (4)车从张丽莉老师腿上碾压过去。 最近状况:双腿截肢,生命垂危;社会反响:感动整个社会,被誉为最美老师。 [写作内容]请根据以上内容给“China Daily”写一篇通讯,题为The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher。 内容包括: 1. 人物简介及事情经过; 2. 最近状况及大众反响。[写作要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。[评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher Zha




  人    物:张丽莉(女),佳木斯市第十九中学教师
    年    龄:29岁
    时    间:20xx年5月8日晚 8:38分
    地    点:十九中校门口



  请根据以上内容给“China Daily”写一篇通讯,题为The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher。 内容包括:
     1. 人物简介及事情经过;
     2. 最近状况及大众反响。




                       The Most Beautiful Woman Teacher
    Zhang Lili, aged 29, is a teacher of No.19 Middle School of Jiamusi. On the evening at about 8:38 of May 8th , 20xx, two students of the school going home were waiting at the school gate when suddenly an out-of-control bus was bumping into the students ahead. Just at the critical moment, Miss Zhang rushed over, pushed and pulled the two students to safety, but unfortunately she herself was run over by the bus. The latest news is that because of serious injury her two legs have been cut off and she is still in danger. Her bravery has deeply moved the people all over the country and she has been regarded as "the most beautiful woman teacher". (121 words)


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