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下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat

[05-17 02:25:51]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要: (2)neither.. .nor...(既不……也不……)Complete the sentences with either. . . or. . . or neither. . . nor. . .Part 1-2 练习(1) One of them will have to go, _________ Mary _________ Tom.(2) _________ the shirts_________ the sweater is clean.(3) I know that _________ you _________ your father has a copy.(4) They have _________ money _________ food.(5) There is _________ hot spring _________ running water.Keys: 1.either, or 2.Neither, nor 3.either, or 4.neither, nor 5.neither, norXI. Writing

下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

    (2)neither.. .nor...(既不……也不……)

  Complete the sentences with either. . . or. . . or neither. . . nor. . .

Part 1-2 练习

  (1) One of them will have to go, _________ Mary _________ Tom.

  (2) _________ the shirts_________ the sweater is clean.

  (3) I know that _________ you _________ your father has a copy.

  (4) They have _________ money _________ food.

  (5) There is _________ hot spring _________ running water.

Keys: 1.either, or  2.Neither, nor  3.either, or  4.neither, nor  5.neither, nor

XI. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 60

 Useful phrases

 1. with sugar and milk                      2. without anything = with nothing

 3. take a seat                              4. something English

 5.take-away food                          6. home cooking

 7. much nicer                             8. in the open air

 9. some apple pies                         10. a table for two

 11. sit at the-table                         12. by the window

 13. be famous for                         14. agree with sb.

 15. agree to one’s plan                     

《下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat》出自:www.88haoxue.com网

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