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下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat

[05-17 02:25:51]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:2. Encourage the students to talk more about the winter vacation.III. PresentationT: Give more details about the colour pictures on page i. Get them to know the words about the kitchen and ask them to know what’s in the cupboard. And then you can write some words on the blackboard. Let them practise more with the following phrases and useful expressions.IV. Leading-inWrite countable nouns and uncountable nouns on the blackboard.Nouns(countable) Nouns( uncountable)Vegetables

下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  2. Encourage the students to talk more about the winter vacation.

III. Presentation

  T: Give more details about the colour pictures on page i. Get them to know the words about the kitchen and ask them to know what’s in the cupboard. And then you can write some words on the blackboard. Let them practise more with the following phrases and useful expressions.

IV. Leading-in

Write countable nouns and uncountable nouns on the blackboard.

  Nouns(countable)             Nouns( uncountable)

  Vegetables: carrots            Meat: pork

  peas                        beef

  potatoes                     lamb

  tomatoes                    chicken

  cabbages                    mutton

  Fruit: apples                  others: salt

  pears                        sugar

  peaches                      pepper

  bananas                      oil

  cherries                      wine

V. Practice

  When you are sure the students really understand the meanings of the words. Encourage them to practise.

For example;

  A: What’s in the bowl?

  B: It’s rice. / There’s some rice in it.

  Let the students do the exercises in pairs. If they have time, they can work on the other dialogues.

VI. Practice Part 1

  Get two better students to practise the following dialogues. Such as a bottle on the teacher’s table. You can pick it up and hold it in the air, and then ask the students.

 1. A: What’s in the bottle?

   B: There s some milk in it.

  You can pick up another object on the table and go on asking.

 2. A: What’s in the box?

   B: There’s some chalk in it.

  Get a student who is good at drawing to come to the blackboard and to draw a man s head on the blackboard.

 3. A: What’s on the man s head?

  B: There is some hair on it.

Show a bag to the class.

 4. A: What’s in the bag?

   B: There are a few apples in it.

  If you want the students to master more, you can draw a man’ s head on the blackboard. It shows this man has a bad temper.

  T: What’s wrong?

  Student 1: He is angry.

  T: Do you think you can like a person who is in a bad temper?

Student 2: No.

  T: Right. (So the teacher writes a sentence on the blackboard. )

 5. A: He has a bad temper.

   B: Few people like him.

VII. Learn Part 2

  T: Ask the class what the Chinese eating and the American eating habits are and what the Japanese favourite is. Ask the students if they have the same habits.

Get them to work in pairs.




VIII. Practice

  Pair work: The students ask and answer the questions about meat in daily / everyday life. One student asks: “What’s your favourite food?” The other one gives the response. “So is mine.” or “So do I.”

IX. Learn Part 5

  A: Puzzle dialogues.

  At first let the students do it before they can answer it. And then get some pairs to do them orally.

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