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Abraham Lincoln

[05-17 02:56:11]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:680

概要:2)In a store and later in a post office.3) Because the Southern States wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep the black slaves.4) Lincoln was killed at a theatre in Washington, D. C.5) Because the slave owners in the South and the rich people hated him.Step VI Language pointsExplain the new words and expressions, so that some of the new language items will be familiar to the Ss when they read the passage.1)as a child as/when he was a child2) no more t

Abraham Lincoln,标签:高一英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  2)In a store and later in a post office.

  3) Because the Southern States wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep the black slaves.

  4) Lincoln was killed at a theatre in Washington, D. C.

  5) Because the slave owners in the South and the rich people hated him.

Step VI Language points
  Explain the new words and expressions, so that some of the new language items will be familiar to the Ss when they read the passage.

  1)as a child as/when he was a child

  2) no more than - only

  3)in all - in total, totally

  4)set up - start/found

  5) break out - (war, fire, etc.) appear, start suddenly

  6) break away from - go away from

  7)consider. . .as - regard. . .as/look on. . .as

Fill in the blank with the following the words

  1. Lincoln became very interested in ____. In all his ____ life, he worked hard to build a free state for all the people, (political; politics)

  2. Lincoln worked hard against ____, because he wanted to free all the ____. (slavery; slaves)

  3. After the ____ woman was taken away, all the villagers were in deep sorrow (悲痛) for her ___. (dead; death)

  4. A ____ businessman is a man who has made a big ____ in his business, (success; successful)

  5. I think German is the roost ____ for me, because I have a great ____ in learning German grammar. (difficult; difficulty)

  6. I’m going to join in the games to ____ for medals. Use the words in the box to ____ the dialogue. (complete; compete)

  7. What’s the ____ of the meat? The winners will get a good ____. (price; prize)

  8. The ____ which was agreed on last month will be put into operation soon. Children’s ____ on TV is usually shown at 4 o’clock in the afternoons, (programme; project)          

Step VII Workbook

  1. Go over the explanations of the words and expressions i

《Abraham Lincoln(第3页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com n this lesson.

  2. Do Part 2 on Page 119. Complete the passage with the verbs in the right form. Let the Ss read through the passage and put in the missing words. They may discuss with their partners. Don’t refer to the text. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step VIII Practise
Complete the passage with verbs in the right forms.

  In 1860, Abraham Lincoln(第4页) ________President of the united States. Then he ________still harder for the freedom of the slaves. But the Southern states wanted to _____up a state of their own, where they could be free to ______black slaves. Lincoln said that it was not right for the South to ______away from the Union. Fighting _______out between the North and the South. This was the American Civil War, which _____four years. In the end the North _______. Northern and Southern states _______up again as one country and the slaves were _______free.

Key: became, set up, keep, break, broke, lasted, won, joined, set

Step Ⅸ Homework

  1. Retell the story about Abraham Lincoln(第4页).

  2. Write the story of Li Dazhao in their exercise books.



  1.Suppose you are Lincoln’s father, say sth. About Abraham when he was a child.
  For example: I am a poor farmer in Kentucky. My son, Abraham was born on February 12th., 1809. At that time we were very poor. When Abraham was very young, he had to help me on wife, and she was very kind to little Abraham. She knew he liked reading, so she did everything she could to help him. Little Abraham wanted to go to school very much. We tried our best to send him to school. But we were so poor that he had to leave school soon and work on the farm.
  2.Suppose you are a slave, say sth. About your life as a slave and how you felt after you were set free.
  For example: I used to be a slave and I worked on a farm for the slave owner. At that time we slaves were bought and sold like animals and the owners of the farms mad us work from morning till night . We were not treated like human beings. We were treated like animals. We did not have any freedom and very often many of the slaves were beaten to death. The Civil War broke out and in the end the North won. All the blacks were finally set free. How happy we were!
  I am a reporter for a newspaper , Yesterday I raised two question to the president. The following is about our interview.
  R: What he was going to do when so many people were calling for freedom for all salves?
  L:I was fighting for an end to slavery and for the freedom of all slaves.
  R: Have you thought about the farmers in the South?
  L: The farmers there might have some problems without slaves, but the freedom of all people in the world was more important.


《Abraham Lincoln(第4页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网

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