
Madame Curie

[05-17 03:03:03]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:(4)possibly"可能地,也许,或许",较probably意味弱,在肯定句里表可能性很小,在否定、疑问句中与can,could连用,表示"无沦如何也不",肯定句中与can,could连用,以加强语气,表示"设法,竭力地"。e.g.①Perhaps/Maybe I'll go.我或许会去。 ②This is perhaps his best novel yet.这也许是他迄今为止写得最好的一部小说。③Perhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch.也许您愿意和我们一块去吃午饭。(表请求)④You'd better go now,perhaps.您最好还是现在就走。(表命令)⑤John probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything.约翰很可能把这一切都告诉了他的父亲;他通常对父亲是什么都说的。(表可能性很大)⑥I'll d

Madame Curie,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  ①Perhaps/Maybe I'll go.我或许会去。
  ②This is perhaps his best novel yet.这也许是他迄今为止写得最好的一部小说。
  ③Perhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch.也许您愿意和我们一块去吃午饭。(表请求)
  ④You'd better go now,perhaps.您最好还是现在就走。(表命令)
  ⑤John probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything.约翰很可能把这一切都告诉了他的父亲;他通常对父亲是什么都说的。(表可能性很大)
  ⑥I'll do all I possibly can.我将尽我的所能去做。(与can连用)
  ⑦I can't possibly drink any more.我无论如何不能再喝了。
4.I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.我怀疑明年是否会再次邀请他发言。
  (1)doubt + that-clause。e.g.
   I doubt that she will get the job.我不相信她会得到那个工作。
  (2)doubt + 名词/代词。e.g.
   I doubt his honesty.我对他的诚实表示怀疑。
  (3)doubt + v.-ing form。e.g.
   We ever doubted being able to finish the work in time.我们曾经对能否及时完成这工作怀疑过。
  (4)doubt + of-phrase。e.g.
   They have never doubted of success.他们从未对取得成功有什么怀疑。
  如果要表示"对……没有怀疑/疑虑",则用句型There is no doubt about sth./as to sth./that-clause。
  ①There is no doubt about the truth of the news.=There is no doubt as to the troth Of the news.消息的真实性无可怀疑。
  ②There is no doubt that the news is true.=No doubt that the news is true. 消息无疑是真实的。

教学建议Lesson 2


Lesson 2词语辨析:
  2.There was a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than uranium.
  此句中的certain 是形容词,做定语,意思是"某,某一,某种,一定的",用来表达:
  (1)不具体指明的某个,某些,或 知而不说的某事物,后接名词单复数形式均可。e.g.
  ① Water can be changed into ice or steam under certain conditions.水在一定的条件下可以变成冰或蒸汽。
  ②.He didn't come for a certain reason.由于某种原因,他没来。
  (2) 表示一个知之不详的事物。e.g. A certain Ms Jones phoned you today. 有位琼斯女士今天给你来过电话。
  certain与some 的区别:
  certain , some 都可作形容词,作定语,表示"某,某个",前面说到certain 作定语表示不具体指明的某个,某些或知而不说的事物,或表示一个知之不祥的事物。而some则用来表示不确定的或不能够具体说明的某个人或某物,即不可知的某事物,只修饰单数可数名词,且不与冠词连用。e.g.
  a. He went to some place in Africa. 他去了非洲的某个地方。
  b. b. Some man asked to see you just now. 有个人刚才要求见你。
5. As months went by,the work seemed endless.时间一个月一个月地过去了,而他们的工作似乎并无止境。
 (1)此句中go by是动词短语,意思是"(时光)逝去"(不及物性动词短语)。还可作"经过(某处)"(及物或不及物性动词短语)。e.g.
  ①Two years went by.两年过去了。
  ②We waited for the procession to go by。我们等着游行队伍经过。
  ③A truck went by us at full speed.一辆卡车从我们身旁全速通过。
  ④She let the chance go by.她错过了机会。
  (2)go by还可作"依照,遵循,依据……办事"解,及物性动词短语.e.g.
  He always goes by the rules.他总是按规则办事。
  (3)go by还可意为"根据……作出判?quot;。e.g.
  Going by her clothes,she must be very rich.从她的衣着来判断,她很有钱。
  go by 与 pass by

《Madame Curie》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com ,pass的区别:
 (1)go by和pass by是同义短语,都可指"经过"(某处),go by是动词+副词结构,意为"从……旁边经过,经过"。pass by意为"经过,通过,从……旁边经过",指经过人或物的面前或旁边而不停顿,也不注意所经过的人或物是谁。pass意为"经过",指在人或物的面前或旁边经过,侧重经过的动作。用pass by时,侧重不加注意的意味,但在实际上,pass和pass by常被毫无区别地使用。e.g.
  ①The bus went by the stop without stopping.那辆公共汽车停都没停就从汽车站开了过去。
  ②A car went by.一辆汽车驶过去。
  ③He passed by me without noticing me.他从我身边走过而没注意到我。
  ④I pass the church on my way to school.在我上学的路上经过教堂。
  ⑤She waved at me as she passed(by).她经过时向我挥了挥手。
  (2)go by,pass by和pass又都可用来指时间"流逝,过去"。e.g.
  ①Several years went by before they met again.他们过了好几年才再次见面。
  ②A year passed by,and still she had not found a suitable job.一年过去了,但她仍然没找到合适的工作。
  ③Two years has passed since I entered this school.我进这所学校已两年了。
8.Its rays could go through every mineral except lead.它的射线可以穿透除铝以外的所有其他矿物质。
  (1)此句中go through是动词短语,意思是"穿过,贯穿",后接名词。e.g.
  The train went through some tunnels.火车通过了若干隧道。

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