
Madame Curie

[05-17 03:03:03]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:②A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.一封家书触发了他的思乡病的发作。(4)set off 还可指"使某人突然产生某种活动",其后往往接v.-ing,即set s.b.off doing sth.e.g.Whatever you say will set her off crying.不管你说什么都会使她哭泣。(5)set off还可指"衬托,使更明显"。e.g.This gold frame sets off your painting well.这金色的框架把你的画衬托得非常好看。搭配辨析set off 与setout,set about(1)set out也可意为"出发,动身",用法与set off同,不及物性短语动词。e.g.They set out/off on a sightseeing tour.他们动身出去观光旅行。(2)set out还可指"开始着手,做某事",后接动词不定式。e.g.We set o

Madame Curie,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  ②A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.一封家书触发了他的思乡病的发作。
  (4)set off 还可指"使某人突然产生某种活动",其后往往接v.-ing,即set s.b.off doing sth.e.g.
  Whatever you say will set her off crying.不管你说什么都会使她哭泣。
  (5)set off还可指"衬托,使更明显"。e.g.
  This gold frame sets off your painting well.这金色的框架把你的画衬托得非常好看。
  搭配辨析set off 与setout,set about
  (1)set out也可意为"出发,动身",用法与set off同,不及物性短语动词。e.g.
  They set out/off on a sightseeing tour.他们动身出去观光旅行。
  (2)set out还可指"开始着手,做某事",后接动词不定式。e.g.
  We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.我们为油漆整座房子开始干起来,但只完成了前面部分。
  (3)set out可指"陈列,摆出,安排",及物性短语动词。e.g.
  ①Set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.摆好开会的坐椅,每排十张。
  ②The meal was set out on a long table.饭菜摆在一张长桌子上。
  (4)set out还可指"表明,陈述,阐述(事实、理由等)"。e.g.
  The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.我作出决定的理由在我的报告中作了阐述。
  (5)set about意为"开始做或处理,着手",其后接名词或v.-ing,即set about + sth./doing sth.e.g.
  ① The sooner we set about it the sooner we'll finish.我们越早开始就可以越早完成这件工作。
  ②We set about cleaning up mess.我们开始把乱七八糟的东西打扫干净。
  (6)set about还可指"攻击",及物性短语动词。e.g.
  Our dog set about the

《Madame Curie(第5页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com postman.我们的狗追着要咬邮递员。
  (1)be used as与be used for,be used to sth./doing sth,be used to do    sth.的区别:
  be used as和be used for都意为"用作",不同的是as后通常接名词,for后多接v.-ing;be used to sth./doing sth.意为"习惯于某事/做某事",to在这里是介词;be used to do sth.意为"被用于做某事";used to do 意为"过去常常做某事",used to这里是助动词:e.g.
  ①During the war the castle was used as a prison.战争期间城堡用来作监狱。
  ②During the war the castle was used for keeping prisoners in.战争期间城堡用来监禁囚犯。
  ③I'm used to the noise.我对这噪音已经习惯了。
  ④I'm not used to getting up early.我不习惯于早起。
  ⑤Wind can be used to produce electricity·风可以用来发电。
  ⑥This river used to be clean.这条河以前是干净的。
  (2)a cure for...与cure sb.of...的区别:
  a cure for...意为"对…的治疗",cure这里作名词;"cure sb. of"意为"治好或治愈某人的...病",cure这里作及物动词。e.g.
  ①This is a certain cure for your laziness.这是治懒惰的特效药
  ②Moving to the country cured her of asthma.搬到乡下她的哮喘就好了。
  be admired as与be admired for的区别:
  (1)be admired as意为"被当作……为人们所钦佩",as是介词,意为"作为"。
  (2)be admired for意为"因(某种原因)而为人们所钦佩",for是介词,表示原因。e.g.
  He is really admired for his frankness.他以他的坦诚实在为人们所钦佩。
  pay off与pay for,pay,pay...for...的区别:
  pay off + debt指"还清"债款
  pay for sth.指"对(某物)的款"
  pay sb.some money意为."付给某人(多少)钱"。
  pay sb./money for sth.意为"付给(某人款/钱买某物)"。 e.g.
  ①She tried to leave the shop without paying for the dress.她企图买衣服不付款就离开商店。
  ②He paid the servant 5 dollars to wash his car.他付给佣人五元钱叫他洗车。
  ③He paid her for the work.他付给她工钱。
  ④I paid £200 for the painting.这幅画我花了二百英镑。
  ⑤Did you pay him l00 dollars for that old bike你付给他那辆旧自行车了吗?

  1) 限定性定语从句:限定性定语从句对所修饰的先行词起限定作用。 限定性定语从句中关系词的使用列表如下:
  主语 关系代词:who/that(指人) which/that(指物 关系代词不能省略
  宾语 who/whom/that(指人)
  which/that(指物) 关系代词在非正式
  定语 whose 名词前表所有关系
  介词+关系代词 whom(指人) which(指物) 关系代词不能用who或that
  whose(定语) 名词前表所有关系
  状语 关系副词:when(时间) where(地点)why(原因) 先行词为表时间、

  ①Anna was an American writer who/that interviewed Mao Ze dong in Ya'an.(指人作主语)
  ②The friends whom/who/that we met in the park were from Egypt.(指人作宾语)
  ③A taxi is a car (that/which)you can hire.(指物作宾语) 出租车是你可以租用的小汽车。
  ④Many forests where the animals lived were destroyed.(作状语)
  ⑤We ought to help those families whose men are in the army.(作定语)

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