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Unit 12 Mainly Revision

[05-17 03:03:45]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:5. Hibernation is more than sleep. 6. The squirrel was usually described as a good animal. 三、系统归纳准确记忆熟练运用Unit 7~Unit 11 出现过的重点语法项目,重点复习构词法知识,不定式的用法和动词时态及间接引语。另外Unit 7 ~Unit 11 出现过的日常交际用语,归纳有关建议的各种句型 四、灵活运用交际用语:You’d better( not)...You should/ought to. . .You need (to). . .You could...I suggest you (should).Shall we. . . ?Let's... . What/How about. . . ?Why not. . . ? Why don't we / you. . . ? 教学建议教学教法:本单元日常交际用语的重点是让学生掌握向他人提出建议和忠告的方式。第45课第二部分已给出的短语和句型足以满足学生在实际阅读及写作中的需要,因此教师应从熟练运

Unit 12 Mainly Revision,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  5. Hibernation is more than sleep. 6. The squirrel was usually described as a good animal.
三、系统归纳准确记忆熟练运用Unit 7~Unit 11 出现过的重点语法项目,重点  复习构词法知识,不定式的用法和动词时态及间接引语。另外Unit 7 ~Unit 11 出现过的日常交际用语,归纳有关建议的各种句型
  You’d better( not)...  You should/ought to. . .
  You need (to). . .    You could...
  I suggest you (should). Shall we. . . ?
  Let's... .         What/How about. . . ?
  Why not. . . ?       Why don't we / you. . . ?






  weather 意为“天气”,为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather , 而不能说in such a fine weather。如:

  The weather has changed. 天气变了。


  She goes out in all weathers.

  weather 指某特定地区在一定时间的气象情况。

  climate 指一般比较长的时间,如一季的天气状况。

  A drier climate would be good for her health.气候干燥的地区会对他的健康有益。

2.cause 和reason

  cause 用作及物动词,意为“引起、使产生、给……带来。”例如:

  What caused the accident?


  cause 用作名词,意为“原因,理由”。例如:

  Carelessness is the usual cause of fire.


  cause 是造成一种事实或现象的“原因”,

  Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter.热是物体膨胀的原因。

  reason 是说明一种看法或行为的“理由”。例如:

  You must tell him the reason why you won’t accept his

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3.deep, deeply


  The river is very deep here. (deep是形容词)

  He pushed his stick deep into the mud. (deep是副词)

  在一些固定的搭配中使用deep, 尤其在介词词组前。如:

  be deep in debt 债台高筑

  be deep in thought 深入沉思

  do sth. deep into the night 一直做到深夜

  deeply是deep后缀-ly构成副词, 使用时一般具有抽象含义,意为“深深地,深厚地,深切地”。如:

We are deeply grateful for your help. 我们非常感谢你的帮助。

4.fly away 与fly off

  1)它们俩都可表示“匆匆离去(飞去)”之意,但有一些差别。fly away距离较远,而fly off指距离较近。

  Then they flew away into their hiding place.


  When he was driving very fast, one of the wheels of his wagon flew off.



  The bird shook its tail and flew away. 那只鸟摇着尾巴飞走了。

  【注意】把动词keep, run, walk, move等后面加上away或off, 其区别与上述所谈类似。如:

  What kept you away last Sunday? 上星期日你为什么没来?

  Keep off the grass! 勿踏草地!

Lesson 46 教学设计方案(一)

Step 1 Lead – in
  (Show some pictures to attract the Ss’  interests about the text.)
Step 2 Reading:

A.Ask the Ss to do some “True or False” exercises
  1. Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold; some animals  hibernate in the cold wather.(True)
  2. Animals hibernate only in the earth. (False)
  3. None of the warm-blooded animals need to hibernate because they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even in very cold weather. (True)
  4. A hibernating animal does not breathe and cannot feel any pain. (False)
B.Questions and answers:
  1. Why don’t some warm-blooded animals hibernate in the winter?

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