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Unit 12 Mainly Revision

[05-17 03:03:45]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:680

概要:The real danger _____ in the fact ___D___ you don’t understand yourself. A.lies…whichB. lays…thatC. lies…/D. lies…that5. Some warm-blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate; they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even in very cold winter weather.It is wise to have some money _A___ for old age.A.put awayB. kept upC .given awayD .lay upStep5.高考真题试做1.Most animals have little connection with _B__ animals _____ different kind

Unit 12 Mainly Revision,标签:高三英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

The real danger _____ in the fact ___D___ you don’t understand yourself.

  A.lies…which  B. lays…that  C. lies…/  D. lies…that

5. Some warm-blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate; they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even in very cold winter weather.

It is wise to have some money _A___ for old age.

  A.put away  B. kept up  C .given away  D .lay up


1.Most animals have little connection with _B__ animals _____ different kind unless they kill them for food.

  A. the; a  B. 不填; a  C. the; the  D. 不填; the

2.__C_____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year .

   A. As  B. For  C. With  D. Through

3.------- How are you today ?

 ------- Oh, I __D____ as ill as I do now for a very long time .

   A.didn’t feel  B. wasn’t feeling  

   C. don’t feel  D. haven’t felt

4.The WTO cannot live up to its name __C___ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

  A . as long as  B. while  C. if  D. even though


  Write a summary of the test.

  Finish Exs1of page70.

  Finish Exs2 of page72.

  Finish Exs2 of page192



1.Most animals have little connection with _______ animals _____ different kind unless they kill them for food.

  A. the; a  B. 不填; a  C. the; the  D. 不填; the

  答案:B  通过率:26%


2._______ production up by

《Unit 12 Mainly Revision(第4页)》出自:www.88haoxue.com网
www.88haoxue.com 60%, the company has had another excellent year .

  A. As  B. For  C. With  D. Through

  答案:C  通过率:42%

  试题分析:本题测试的是介词在日常生活情景中的使用能力。此题最大的难点在于:A.As            B.For  C.With  D.Through少四个选项,就个体词义而言,都表示“原因”,但是在此题的具体情景中,只有C.With无论在句型上(with + 名词noun + 介词prep./或形容词adj. )还是内容上(具有“伴随时间接原因”的含义)都是最佳选项。这个句子可以翻译成:“随着生产量的提高,到达60%,该公司又经历了一个业绩大好的年头。”

3.I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ______ in my new job.

  A. expected  B. to expect  C. to be expecting  D. expects

  答案:B  通过率:34%

  试题分析:本题测试的是动词不定式在日常生活情景中的使用能力。完成此题的关键在于:对于know what to expect/where to go/who to see /when to begin /why to do so/how to do it        这类语句的熟练掌握。当然,要做到这一点,大量的口笔语实践是必不可少的。

4.------- How are you today ?

 ------- Oh, I ______ as ill as I do now for a very long time .

  A. didn’t feel    B. wasn’t feeling

  C. don’t feel     D. haven’t felt

  答案:D   通过率:48




  这句译文使人想起“(I)haven’t seen you for ages.”(“好久没有见到你了。”)


5.The WTO cannot live up to its name _____ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

  A. as long as  B. while  C. if  D. even though

  答案:C    通过率:46%

  试题分析:本题测试的是连词与连词短语的使用能力。完成此题不仅要能够熟练使用A.as long as   B.while   C.If    D.even though等四个词语,而且还要具备“阅读熟词新义”的能力。因为这个句子虽然不长,但是却包含live up to…(配得上…,be home to…(是…的家园)等等“熟词新义”;没有“阅读熟词新义”的能力必然会有失误。此外,如果,考生对于类似“中国人口占世界五分之一,世贸组织没有中国,该组织本身就会名不副实。”的说法十分熟悉的话,也有助于选好此题的最佳选项社(条件从句)。

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