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初中英语Choos ing a new flat测试题

[10-20 23:58:16]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  英语知识大全   阅读:68805

概要:Unit 5 Choosing a new flat测试题I. Choose the different words.(辨音) (5%)( ) 1. A. words B. beds C. sweets D. blinds( ) 2. A. Saturday B. Australia C. Canada D. Japan( ) 3. A. choose B. foot C. bedroom D. soon( ) 4. A. puppy B. young C. put D. underground( ) 5. A. teach B. brochure C. watch D. chairII.Choose the best answer. (选择题)(15%)( ) 1. The new f

初中英语Choos ing a new flat测试题,标签:英语知识集锦,http://www.88haoxue.com

Unit 5 Choosing a new flat测试题
I. Choose the different words.(辨音) (5%)
(    ) 1. A. words          B. beds           C. sweets        D. blinds
(    ) 2. A. Saturday        B. Australia       C. Canada        D. Japan
(    ) 3. A. choose         B. foot            C. bedroom       D. soon
(    ) 4. A. puppy          B. young          C. put           D. underground
(    ) 5. A. teach           B. brochure        C. watch         D. chair
II.Choose the best answer. (选择题)(15%)
(    ) 1. The new flat is ________ than the old one.
        A. big      B. much bigger    C. very bigger    D. much big
(    ) 2. Tim’s flat is closer to the underground than ________.
        A. mine     B. me           C. my           D. I
(    ) 3. There is ________ milk in the fridge, so we don’t need to go to the supermarket.
A. many     B. lot of     C. much     D. a few
(    ) 4. Please put the rug ________ the sofa and the TV on the floor.
A. among   B. between    C. in          D. on
(    ) 5. My parents are looking ________ a new flat ________ my grandparents.
       A. for; for     B. for; to        C.  at; for       D. to; for
(    ) 6. Who comes to school ________ in your class?
       A. early       B. earliest       C. earlier        D. more early
(    ) 7. There is ________ estate agency near my flat. Many people work in ________ estate
       A. a; the       B. an; the       C. an; an         D. the; an
(    ) 8. Let’s talk to father about it     ____ he comes home.
A. because     B. when        C. so            D. but
(    ) 9. I want to have a flat          a big balcony.
A. on         B. in           C. at            D. with
(    ) 10. Peter’s room is very ________. His mother is not pleased with him.
        A. untidy     B. tidy          C. clean         D. untidily
(    ) 11. -- ________ would you like to live?
         -- In the countryside.
A. What      B. How         C. Where        D. Which
(    ) 12. This skirt is ________ short ________ me now. I can’t wear it any more.
A. very; for   B. too; to        C. very; too      D. too; for
(    ) 13. Mr. Guo saw Tom ________ basketball on the playground yesterday.
        A. plays      B. to play        C. playing       D. played
(    ) 14. Our new flat is     ____  square metres
A. one hundred and fifty        B. one hundred fifty
C. one hundreds and fifty       D. one hundred and fifties
(    ) 15. -- ________ you ________ to your cousin’s new flat?

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