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Unit 18 Seeing the doctor

[05-17 02:25:59]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:IV. Reviewing exercisesT: Ask the students to do the match exercise. Make sentences.Pay attention to the usage of link verbs.1. She looked tired, but she soon felt better.2. He always seems very quiet, but sometimes he makes trouble.3. He wanted to be a great singer, but he became a doctor instead.4. She looks like her sister, but she’s much younger.5. This dress is a bit old, but it still looks nice on you.T: Then ask the students to read the sentences again.Try to encourage them to m

Unit 18 Seeing the doctor,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  IV. Reviewing exercises
  T: Ask the students to do the match exercise. Make sentences.
  Pay attention to the usage of link verbs.
  1. She looked tired, but she soon felt better.
  2. He always seems very quiet, but sometimes he makes trouble.
  3. He wanted to be a great singer, but he became a doctor instead.
  4. She looks like her sister, but she’s much younger.
  5. This dress is a bit old, but it still looks nice on you.
  T: Then ask the students to read the sentences again.
   Try to encourage them to make some sentences.
  V. Presentation
  T: Ask the students to answer the questions in the students’ books. They can answer them with their imagination. The answers are different — show them keys. (Teacher can write them down on the blackboard.)
  1. Why did Mrs. Brown go to see the doctor?
  For example: —ill, sick, visit, something wrong
  2. Is there anything wrong with Mrs. Brown?
    —Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
  3. What does she have to do?
    —take some exercise, stop eating something, work late, study hard
  4. What does she have to eat and drink?
    —fruit, meat, vegetable, fish, bread, dumplings, rice, water, juice, coffee, tea, Coca- Cola
  5. Why did the doctor ask Mrs. Brown to eat and drink those things?
   —health, body need, illness, too fat
  T: Ask them to look at the picture and its title, try to describe it.
  VI. Teaching reading
  1. Pre-reading: Listen to the tape three times, let the students understand the main idea.
  2. While-reading: Read the text again by themselves.
  Then read it after the tape, try to imitate the sound. Ask some individuals to read it in class. At last, try to explain the text.
  3. After reading: Read and act.
  T: Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs: Mrs Brown and her doctor.
   Then call out several pairs to act out the dialogue in class.
  VII. Teaching language points
  1. every five minutes 每隔五分钟
   (1) I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.
   (2) Write on every other line.
   (3) There are buses to the station every eight minutes.
   (4) I go to visit my grandparents every three days.
  2.1ook over 仔细(全身)检查
  (1) The doctor looked over Mrs. Brown carefully.
  (2) Patients should be looked over by their doctors.
  (3) It’s necessary to look over you when you go to see the doctor.
  3. I’m afraid... 我恐怕……
  (1) I’m afraid you have a problem.
  (2) I’m afraid I’ll fail the examination.
  (3) I’m afraid he will come back soon.
  (4) I’m afraid you’ll meet some difficulties.
  4. take enough(more) exercise 进行足够(更多的)锻炼
  (1) You don’t take enough exercise, and you have to take more exercise.
  (2) It’s good for us to take enough exercise every day.
  (3) You look heavy. You should take more exercise.
  5. instead of. . .代替……
  (1) Shall we have rice instead of bread today?
  (2) I’ll go instead of you.
  (3) He has been playing computer games all day instead of doing his homework.
  (4) The students will have English lessons in the hall instead of in the classroom.
  VIII. Practice
  T: Encourage the students to ask some questions according to the dialogue in class.
   Then answer the questions in the students’ books. This time, they must have the same answers. Check the keys to the questions together.
  IX. Exercises in class
  Translate the following sentences into English.
Keys: 1. You’d better go to see the doctor.
   2. Hurry up! There’s only five minutes left.
   3. I feel a little afraid.
   4. His English teacher often helps him with his English study.
   5. Make sure you look after your son well.
   6. Neither of them is a doctor.
   7. It’s best to take more exercise.
   8. She listens to the weather report every morning.
   9. I hope you will enjoy yourself during the summer holiday.
   10. English is as important as Chinese.
  X. Checkpoint 18
  T: Go through the checkpoint 18. Understand the grammar better and remember the useful expressions.
  XI. Homework
  1. Rewrite the dialogue and do Exercise Four - writing.
  2. Finish the exercises of this unit.
  3. Review the whole unit.
  XII. Summary

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