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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 15教案

[07-12 19:59:44]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  三年级英语教学设计   阅读:68675

概要:Unit 3 My Food第三课时 课 题 Unit3 My Food Lesson 15 课 时 2课时 教 学 内 容 Words: pancake sandwich bread mantou potato tomato carrot beef chicken meatball sausage Sentences: Pass them. How delicious! What do you want for

人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 15教案,标签:三年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com

Unit 3 My Food


  课 题   Unit3 My Food Lesson 15   课 时   2课时   教   学   内   容   Words: pancake sandwich bread mantou potato tomato carrot beef chicken meatball sausage   Sentences: Pass them. How delicious!   What do you want for lunch on Friday?I want….   教   学   目   标   1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.   2. Can make the sentences by using some words they know.   3. Show the dialogue correctly and freely.   教学重点   To grasp the new words, make some sentences and dialogues.   板   书   设   计   Unit 3 My Food Lesson 15   Pass them. How delicious!   What do you want for lunch on Friday?I want….   教学难点   To make the dialogues fluently.   教学准备   pictures word-cards tape-recorder   教 学 过 程   二次备课   I. Organization   1. T and students sing a song.   2. Free talk :   II.Presentation   1. Revision:   What do you have in your fridge?I have …. What do you want for breakfast/ lunch /supper/the picnic ?I want….   2.It’s a sunny day,let’s go out for a picnic,ok? What do you have for the picnic ?Teach the new sentences: Pass them. How delicious!   3. Make the dialogues in pairs.   4. T:What day is it today? What do you want for lunch on Friday?I want….   Ask and answer in pairs:   5. Fill in the blanks in Part C.   6. Ss make menus for next week and talk about them.   家   庭   作   业   1. Listen to the tape and read the text.   2. Do Part D in the lesson.   课   后   回   顾

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