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PEP Unit1 Hello!第一课时 教案

[07-12 19:58:31]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  三年级英语教学设计   阅读:68162

概要:第一课时:A.Let’talk Let’play B.Let’talk学生情况及内容分析:三年级学生在一二年级已经接触过牛津英语,有很多知识他们已经接触过,所以在第一课时适当地加入B部分的对话内容,丰富他们的对话内容,并给他们提供一定的发展空间。教学目标:通过打招呼,自我介绍以及道别等语言情景,让学生在模仿、练习、表演的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。为了培养学生的书写习惯,在表演练习后,增加字母Aa~Ee的书写,强调正确的书写方法及笔顺。教学难点:让学生在真实的语言情景中使用一些日常用语,例如:Hello! /Good morning/afternoon. What’s your name?等。教学准备:人物头饰、录音机及磁带教学步骤:Ⅰ.Warming upSing a songⅡPresentation1.How to greet with people and introduce yourself.T:Today,I bring many friends to you.She is Sarah.Wh

PEP Unit1 Hello!第一课时 教案,标签:三年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com

第一课时:A.Let’talk Let’play B.Let’talk




  Hello! /Good morning/afternoon. What’s your name?等。



  Ⅰ.Warming up

  Sing a song


  1.How to greet with people and introduce yourself.

  T:Today,I bring many friends to you.She is Sarah.Who can say hello to Sarah.


  T:He is Mike/Wu Yifan… She is…

  Ss know these people and greet with them.

  T:Now,You know all of them,but they don’t know you.Can you tell them your name.

  T:Now,I’m Mike.Hello,What’ your name?

  S2:My name’s…(With the help of the teacher)

  T:Nice to meet you.

  S2:Nice to meet you,too.

  T:Do you want to know my English name.


  T:You should ask…

  Ss:What’s your name?

  T asks individual Ss to ask and talks with him/her.(Some Ss who are good at English)

  T asks Ss to repeat the sentence and practise for several minutes.


  1.T organizes a activity:Know new friends.(Several Ss in one group,They introduce thenselves and ask the others’name.)

  Ss act for the class,and teacher chooses the best one.

  2.T:Open the book for Page4.Listen to the tape first and then repeat.

  Ss listen and repeat.

  3.Play a game:Have a train.

  S1:Hello!I’m….What’s your name?

  S2:My name’s …What’s your name?

  S3:My name’s…

  4.Listen to the tape for page7.

  Ⅳ.Letters learning and writing

  T:This is the letter ‘A’,it lives floor two and three.

  Ss write with teacher.

  T teaches the other letters in the same way.

  Ⅴ.Assign the homework

  1.Read partA Lets talk and PartB Lets talk for five times.

  2.Write the five of each letters for two lines.

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