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The story of rain Part A Let’s talk教案

[07-12 20:11:42]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  六年级英语教学设计   阅读:68986

概要:教学过程 Step 1: Greeting and free talk 1, Say hello to the kids 2,Free talk T: What day is it today? S: Today is Monday . T: What is the weather like today? S: It is sunny today. T: Which season do you like best? S: I like spring best. T: (和学生握手) Wow ,I like spring too .Why you like spring best ? S: Because it is warm in spring . T: I like spring too. Not only because it is warm but also for the beauticul flowers in spring. Step 2: Warm-up 1, L

The story of rain Part A Let’s talk教案,标签:六年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com

    Step 1: Greeting and free talk
    1, Say hello to the kids
    2,Free talk
    T: What day is it today?
    S: Today is Monday .
    T: What is the weather like today?
    S: It is sunny today.
    T: Which season do you like best?
    S: I like spring best.
    T: (和学生握手) Wow ,I like spring too .Why you like spring best ?
    S: Because it is warm in spring .
    T: I like spring too. Not only because it is warm but also for the beauticul flowers in spring.
    Step 2: Warm-up
    1, Listen to the chant on page 68
    2, Game---- 单词浪接浪
    Step 3: Presentation
    1.Presentaion of the basic structures.
    T: (总结刚才游戏过程中各组的表现情况) All of you have done a very good job ,especially the group * . (举起rain的单词卡) do you like rainy day?
    SS: Yes, I do.\ No, I don’t .
    T: I don’t like rainy days. Do you know: Where does the rain come from? (边问边将句子板书在黑板上,同时展示图片)
    SS: It comes from the clouds.(T板书句子在黑板上)
    T: Good !(然后举起 cloud 的单词卡) 问:Where does the cloud come from? (边问边将句子板书在黑板上,同时展示图片)
    SS: It comes from the vapour.(T板书句子在黑板上)
    T: Excellent! (举起vapour 的单词卡) 问:Where does the vapour come from? (边问边将句子板书在黑板上,同时展示图片)
    SS: It comes from the water.
    2. Practice.
    根据示意图, 教师引导学生练习句型,先集体练习,
    T: Where does the rain come from?SS: It comes from the clouds
    T: Where does the cloud come from?SS: It comes from the vapour.
    T: :Where does the vapour come from?
    SS: It comes from the water.
    然后Pair work ,要求学生和自己的同桌一起练习,一问一答。完成后,选取2---4对同学来演示对话。
    3, Drill
    T: Now we know the the circle of the water, but here are two more difficult sentences here , How can the water become vapour?The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. I don’t their meanings .Who can help me?
    T: Thank you for youe help .I know the circle of the water now. Here is VCD about the story of a little water drop. Let’s watch it.(播放VCD中the story of little water drop 片段)
    T:同学们,看了这个小水滴的故事,你们是不是对水的循环有了一个更加清楚的认识?实际上水循环,是一个雨降到地面以后经过蒸发又回到大气的过程。有了水循环,就有了降雨的过程.雨降到城市里可以净化空气,可以灌溉树木和草坪,特别是在炎热的夏天,下雨还可以给我们的酷暑降降温呢.水循环有那么多的好处,水对于我们来说,实在是太重要了,那我们是不是要从身边的小事做起,一起行动起来爱护水资源呢? SS:是.
    F : Summary and the homework.
    2,布置作业: 画出水资源循环示意图,用所学过的句型解释后给家长听,并和家长相互提醒监督平时珍惜爱护水资源.

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