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八年级上册Unit 12 Section B 教学设计

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概要:一、课型 听说课 二、设计思路 Unit l2主要语言功能是学习最高级表达法,主要侧重在形容词的表达上。这节课是Section B部分。在Section A部分已着重讲解了相关的语法规则和形式,那么这节课重点应该放在语言表达的自然和流畅上,应该教会学生用最高级形式去描述表达生活中的场景和情感。因此,我把这节课按照情感的线路分成两个层次:欣赏他人与自我欣赏。在这样的情感导引下,设置情境,铺设台阶,帮助学生掌握最高级的用法。其中的单词选用及形容词副词最高级的选用,老师们可以根据自己学生的不同程度加以变化和选择。 三、教学目标 1. 知识与技能:用形容词副词最高级形式组织完整句子,表达真实情感。 2. 学习策略:师生互动;小组合作; 3. 情感态度和文化意识:发现生活的美,学会欣赏他人,找到自己的优点并不断自我完善。 四、教学过程 Lead-in Teaching procedures

八年级上册Unit 12 Section B 教学设计,标签:八年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com


  听说课   二、设计思路   Unit l2主要语言功能是学习最高级表达法,主要侧重在形容词的表达上。这节课是Section B部分。在Section A部分已着重讲解了相关的语法规则和形式,那么这节课重点应该放在语言表达的自然和流畅上,应该教会学生用最高级形式去描述表达生活中的场景和情感。因此,我把这节课按照情感的线路分成两个层次:欣赏他人与自我欣赏。在这样的情感导引下,设置情境,铺设台阶,帮助学生掌握最高级的用法。其中的单词选用及形容词副词最高级的选用,老师们可以根据自己学生的不同程度加以变化和选择。   三、教学目标   1. 知识与技能:用形容词副词最高级形式组织完整句子,表达真实情感。   2. 学习策略:师生互动;小组合作;   3. 情感态度和文化意识:发现生活的美,学会欣赏他人,找到自己的优点并不断自我完善。   四、教学过程   Lead-in Teaching procedures Teacher's activities Students' activities Time Step 1 Show pictures of some successful people and input the new words. Answer questions and make sentences. 3’ Task oneFind the best in others Teaching procedures Teacher's activities Students' activities Time Step 2 1. Get students to read the superlative degrees of positive adjectives they just learn. 2. Teach the negative ones. 3. Compare the two kinds and draw a conclusion that we use the positive ones more because we appreciate others more. 1. Read the positive words together. 2. Read the negative ones after the teacher. 3. Reach the conclusion with the help of teacher. 2’ Step 3 1. Guide students to appreciate the beauties in life. 2. Show some pictures with the proper situations and elicit the appreciating sentences. 1. Learn, speak and imitate. 2. Brainstorm. 3’ Step 4 Ask students to work in pairs to discuss "the best" they know. Work in pairs and make conversations. 4’ Step 5 1. Teach the phrases about the acts in a talent show. 2. Play the mp3 and ask the students to finish the exercise of 2a and 2b. 3. Check answers to the questions. 4. Ask students to report the acts in complete sentences. 1. Learn and speak. 2. Listen and do the exercises. 3. Check the answers. 4. Retell the acts. 8’ Task 2Find the best in ourselves Step 6 1. Show some pictures and elicit the idea that one should try to find the best of himself. 2. Get students to discuss in groups about how to be the personal best. 3. Share the opinions on this topic with students. 1. Look and speak. 2. Group discussion. 3. Guess and fill in the blanks. 4’ Group workMake the appreciate cards Teaching procedures Teacher's activities Students' activities Time Step 7 1. Guide students to write l-2 sentences to appreciate each of the group mate by using the target language. 2. Get several students to share what they write about others. 3. Ask students to give the paper to the right person they write for and share their feelings about that. 1. Think and write. 2. Discuss and share. 3. Exchange the paper. 8’ Step 8 1. Get students to write down the best side of themselves on the last piece of paper. 2. Ask them to stick the paper on the wall. Write and stick the paper on the wall. 5’ Step 9 1. Work out the conclusion with the whole class. 2. Enjoy a poem with the class together. 1. Discuss and answer questions. 2. Read the poem. 2’ Step 10 Assign homework: Appreciate at least 10 things or people in life with the target language. Finish the homework after class. 1’

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