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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 读写综合

[07-12 20:22:05]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  九年级英语教学设计   阅读:68362

概要:根据所提供的材料和要求,完成下列任务。 The Pentagon(五角大楼) Large office buildings are often as big as small towns. They have their own trains, buses, and shops. Such buildings can be found in most cities of the world. When it was built in 1943, the Pentagon was the world's largest office building. It is still --- many years later --- among the largest. The Pentagon is different from all other office buildings, because it is used by only one organization(组织). This is the United States Defense Departmen

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 读写综合,标签:九年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com
根据所提供的材料和要求,完成下列任务。   The Pentagon(五角大楼)   Large office buildings are often as big as small towns. They have their own trains, buses, and shops. Such buildings can be found in most cities of the world. When it was built in 1943, the Pentagon was the world's largest office building. It is still --- many years later --- among the largest.   The Pentagon is different from all other office buildings, because it is used by only one organization(组织). This is the United States Defense Department, the headquarters (HQ) of the United States military --- the army, the navy, and the air force. When people think of the military strength of the USA, they usually think of the Pentagon.   The Pentagon was built across the Potomac River in Washington, D. C., during the Second World War. It took only two years to build the Pentagon in spite of this huge size.   Built in the shape of a Pentagon --- a five-sided shape, the building consists of five circles, divided into ten sections. Each side of the outside Pentagon is about 300 meters long. In the center, there is a large space open to the sky.   Six stores high, the Pentagon has a total floor space of about two million square meters. Around it, there are about 45 kilometers of roads that are part of the building, and inside the building itself there are over 25 kilometers of passages. In spite of its great size, no office is more than a six- minute walk from any other office in the building.   Thirteen thousand people worked on building the Pentagon, and about thirty thousand people work in it for the Defense Department. It cost $80 million dollars to build it in 1943 --- a huge sum at that time. However, if the Defense Department had to rent such a building now, it would cost it around $30 million a day! The building was, therefore, a bargain.   1. 请根据文意,猜出划线部分的汉语意思。 military                                navy              in spite of                               sum              bargain                2. 根据短文内容,完成信息收集。 Information about the Pentagon Time it was built   Organization which uses it   Its location   Its size and shape   Information about the Pentagon     3. 将上文缩写成100词的短文,但不要遗漏主要信息。   参考答案   1. 请根据文意,猜出划线部分的汉语意思。 military   军队                          navy     海军   in spite of     尽管                      sum     金额    bargain  价廉物美      2. 根据短文内容,完成信息收集。 Information about the Pentagon

www.88haoxue.com Time it was built 1943 Organization which uses it United States Defense Department Its location The Pentagon was built near the Potomac River in Washington, D. C. Its size and shape The Pentagon is six stories high and has a total floor space of about two million square meters. The Pentagon has five sides. Information about the Pentagon 13,000 people worked on building the Pentagon, and about 30,000 people work in it for the Defense Department.   3. The Pentagon was built in 1943. It is used by the United States Defense Department. The Pentagon looks different form other buildings because it has five sides. The Pentagon is as big as a small town. Each side of the Pentagon is about 300 meters long. It is six stories high. The Pentagon has a total floor space of about two million square meters. About 13,000 people worked on building it and about 30,000 people work in it for the Defense Department. The US government spent $80 million to build it, which is much cheaper than renting such a big building.

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