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Unit 2 Is this your pencil?教案2

[07-12 20:16:06]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  七年级英语教学设计   阅读:68121

概要: 课前准备 教师:录音机,所学物品的图片,一个书包(里面装着事先收集的学习文具),表格若干张。 学生:一张硬纸写上自己的姓名和电话号码,学习的物品。 教学设计 Step One: Revision. 1. Review the drills.(用学生的姓名和电话号码来复习句型:Is this (that) your (his/her)…?及简短回答:Yes, it is./No, it isn't.注意教师提问的同时,用手势来帮助学生给出你预想的答案。) (Put some paper with the names and telephone numbers on the blackboard.) T: Please look at the blackboard. And answer my questions , please . Is this your first name? S1: No , it isn't. T: Is that her last name? S

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?教案2,标签:七年级英语教学设计模板,http://www.88haoxue.com

    Step One: Revision.
    1. Review the drills.(用学生的姓名和电话号码来复习句型:Is this (that) your (his/her)…?及简短回答:Yes, it is./No, it isn't.注意教师提问的同时,用手势来帮助学生给出你预想的答案。)
    (Put some paper with the names and telephone numbers on the blackboard.)
    T: Please look at the blackboard. And answer  my  questions , please . Is this your first name?
    S1: No , it isn't.
    T: Is that her last name?
    S2: Yes, it is.
    T: Is this his telephone number?
    S3: Yes, it is.
    T: Good. This time, who would like to come to the blackboard and ask questions like me?
    (Students in turn come to the blackboard, point to the paper and ask questions, then ask other students to answer.)
    2. Review the vocabulary.(在黑板的名字旁边贴上学习物品的图片,来复习所学的单词和句型。)
    (Put some pictures of things students have learned in class next to the names of the students.)
    T: Is this your ruler? (Point to Picture 1.)
    S4: No,it isn't.
    T: Is this her ruler?  (Point to Jenny Chen.)
    S4: Yes, it is.
    T: Is that your pencil case?  (Point to Picture 2.)
    S5: No, it isn't.
    T: Is that his pencil case ? ( Point to Jim Wang.)
    S5: Yes, it is.
    (Get the students to ask the questions in turn, make sure they use the items they like.)
    Step Two: Listining.
    1. Listening (2a). (练习听力前,先让学生再一次说出图片中物品的英文,进一步强化重点单词。)
    T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Can you say their English name? (Teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)
    S6: This is…
    S7: This is …
    T: Now please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk. You will listen a dialogue and please pick up the things you hear. Let's see who will do fastest and best.
    ( Play the recording for the students to listen.)  (让学生把听到的物品选出来,放在自己的桌子上,让学生动手去做,比单纯的单词辨听更易引起学生学习的兴趣。)
    T: Now let's check the answers. Please hold the things you hear and say their English names,OK?
    (Make sure students hold the things to show them to the other students.)
    S8: Pencil.
    S9: ……
    2. Listening  (2b). (进一步强化重点词汇后,进行听力练习,要求完成单词的拼写。)
    T: Now please read the words. One holds the things, the others read  them aloud one by one.
    (One student holds the things, and the other students say the words aloud.)
    T: This time you will listen to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the box on each blank line.
    (Play the recording. Students listen and complete the conversation.)
    T: Let's check the answers. I'd like to ask three students to read the conversation in role.
    (Three students read the conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students check their answers.)
    Step Three: New drills.
    1. Present the new drills. (用实物引入新句型,帮助学生用正确的句子来回答。)
    (The teacher shows students a pencil.)
    T: What's this in English?
    S: It's a pencil.
    T: How do you spell it ?
    S: P-E-N-C-I-L.
    (Change an eraser. Ask and answer in the same way.)
    2. Practice the drills. (学生分组练习新句型。)
    T: Now please practice the conversation with your partner. Use the words shown in 3a.
    SA: What's this in English?
    SB: It's a ruler.
    SA: How do you spell it ?
    SB: R-U-L-E-R.
    (As students practice, the teacher moves around the classroom checking progress and offering pronunciation and intonation support as needed.)
    T: I'll ask some pairs of students to practice the conversations.
    SA: …
    SB: …

www.88haoxue.com     3. Play the game : A spelling game. (进行一个拼写游戏比赛,进一步操练新句型 。)

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