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Unit 17 You must be more careful!

[05-17 02:25:56]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:5. Reading: Listen to the tape again and ask the students to read the passage fluently.IV. Teaching Language Points1. noise, voicenoise: 指各种“噪音”或“吵闹”,“嘈杂”声。(1)The noise of the truck on the road kept us a wake.(2) Don’t make such a loud noise!voice: 批人的说话声、歌声或者笑声,也可用来指鸟鸣声或狗叫声(有拟人的方法)。(3) The student was shouting at the top of his voice.(4) He listened to the low, sad voice of the sea.(5) I didn’t recognize her voice.2. invite somebody to some place 邀请某人去某处(1)Who invited you to Peter’s h

Unit 17 You must be more careful!,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com

  5. Reading: Listen to the tape again and ask the students to read the passage fluently.

  IV. Teaching Language Points

  1. noise, voice

  noise: 指各种“噪音”或“吵闹”,“嘈杂”声。

  (1)The noise of the truck on the road kept us a wake.

  (2) Don’t make such a loud noise!

  voice: 批人的说话声、歌声或者笑声,也可用来指鸟鸣声或狗叫声(有拟人的方法)。

  (3) The student was shouting at the top of his voice.

  (4) He listened to the low, sad voice of the sea.

  (5) I didn’t recognize her voice.

  2. invite somebody to some place 邀请某人去某处

  (1)Who invited you to Peter’s house yesterday?

  (2) They are old now, and seldom get invited to other people’s houses.

  3. have a good time = enjoy oneself 过得愉快

  (1) Did you have a good time at the party last night?

  (2) They had a good time in the restaurant yesterday evening.

  4. complain about something 抱怨某事

  (1) He complained to me about her rudeness.

  (2) I never complain about the pain.


  (1)I think so, in fact, I’m quite sure.

  (2) In fact. Peter didn’t know what to do at first.

  6. quarrel with sb. 与某人争吵

  (1) The boys quarrelled with one another about how to solve the problem.

  (2) Mary quarrelled with Jenny this morning, but now they become friendly.


  (1) When I reached home, my mother stopped to cook for me.

  (2) The child stopped crying and listened to the music.

  (3) It has stopped raining, let’s go outside.

  (4)We stopped to have a rest and talked each other.

  V. Practice

  1. Read the passage again.

  2. Try to retell the passage, using the key words to make it.

  For example: change→move to→friends→parties→invite→time→come→enjoy→midnight→policeman→noise→complain→quarrel with→go home→leave→telephone→Mr Smile.

  3. Practise the passage in pairs and ask some pairs to come to the front and act it out.

  VI. Writing

  1. Finish Exercise Three and try to complete the words.

  2. Read the whole story and copy it down once.

  3. Ask the students to write the story again in their own words.

  VII. Exercises in class


  1. Did the Smiles have many friends in the new town just after they moved there?

  2. Why did Mrs. Smile want to invite people to her home to have a party?

  3. Did Mr. Smile want to invite people to his home?

  4. How about the party?

  5.At last, what did Mr. smile do to let their friends go back home?

  Keys: 1. No, they didn’t, but soon they made a lot of interesting friends.

    2. Because her friends often invited her and her husband to dinner or to parties at their own homes.

    3. Yes, he did.

    4. It was great, they enjoyed themselves at the party.

    5. Mr. Smile telephoned the police.

  VIII. Homework

  1. Rewrite the passage.

  2. Make some sentences using the key phrases.

  3. Do Exercise Three.

  4. Finish exercise Unit 17.

  Ⅸ. Summary

  1. Go through Checkpoint 17.

  2. 改错题:

  (1)She doesn’t know if to get married now or wait.
    A    B    C     D

  (2) Because he was ill, so he had to stay at home.
        A B   C   D

  (3)Many people died of traffic accidents.
     A  B C    D

  (4)Tom is too young to join in the League.
     A    B  C  D

  (5) If you work hardly, you will learn English well.
       A    B  C     D

  (6) When you have learned English, you will find it a bridge to so many knowledge.
        A         B  C      D

  Keys: (1)B→whether (2)B→去掉so (3)C→from (4)C→去掉in (5)A→hard (6)D→much

  Ⅹ. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 68

Stop Making So Much Noise!

Language points

1. noise, voice

2. invite sb. to some place

3. have a good time = enjoy oneself

4. complain about sth.

5. in fact

6. quarrel with sb.

7. stop to do/stop doing sth.

The key words to retell the passage

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