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Unit 17 You must be more careful!

[05-17 02:25:56]   来源:http://www.88haoxue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:680

概要:I(He,She,You,They)must do it well.我(他,她.你,你们)必须做好这件事。3.表“必须”是说must可以表示“必要、必须”之意,通常表示说话人的主观意志,或要求对方必须做某事。如:You must come earlier tomorrow. 你明天必项早点来。You must be more careful!你一定要多加小心!4.表“推测”是说must可用来表示推测,有“一定、准是、必定”之意,表示说话人对所陈述的事情有一种可能性很大的推测。如:He must be our new English teacher.他准是我们的新英语老师。Lucy must be at home now. 露西现在一定在家里。5.“杜绝、禁止mustn’t”是说表示“不应该、不许可、禁止”做某事,语气比较强烈。mustn’t是must的否定形式。如:Children mustn’t play with fire.It’s dangerous!孩子们千万不能玩火,这很危险!6.“否定回答needn’t”是说,回答 must开头的问句,肯定式用must,

Unit 17 You must be more careful!,标签:八年级英语教案大全,http://www.88haoxue.com
  I(He,She,You,They)must do it well.我(他,她.你,你们)必须做好这件事。


  You must come earlier tomorrow. 你明天必项早点来。

  You must be more careful!你一定要多加小心!


  He must be our new English teacher.他准是我们的新英语老师。

  Lucy must be at home now. 露西现在一定在家里。


  Children mustn’t play with fire.It’s dangerous!孩子们千万不能玩火,这很危险!

  6.“否定回答needn’t”是说,回答 must开头的问句,肯定式用must,否定式用needn’t,而不用mustn’t。如:

  Must we do our homework every day? 每天我们得做家庭作业吗?

  Yes,you must.是的,你们必须做。


  1. When many passengers are waiting for a bus, you must stand in line and wait for your turn.当许多乘客在等车时,你必须排队等候。

  l)wait for意思是“等待”。例如:

  Please wait for a minute.I’ll come back soon.请等一下,我马上回来。

  A boy is waiting for you at the gate for our school.在校门口有一个男孩在等你。

  2)in line意思是“成列,成行”。line多用来指竖行,row多用来指横行。例如:

  Please slim line.请按列就坐。

  What row are you in?你在第几排?


  They came into the classroom in turn.他们依次走进了教室。

  It’s your turn to speak.轮到你发言了。

  2. Everyone laughed at the woman’s mistake.每个人都因为那妇女的错误而笑了起来。

  1)laugh at意思是“嘲笑,因……而笑”。例如:

  Don’t laugh at him. 别嘲笑他。

  We all laughed at Li Lei when he was late for school again. 当李雷又一次迟到时,我们都笑了。

  2) mistake是个可数名词。常见的词组有:make a mistake/ make mistakes, 例如:

  I made a few mistakes in my exercise-book. 我在练习本上出了几个错。

  Everyone may make a mistake. 人人都可能会犯错。

  3. Mr. Smile said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman. 斯迈尔先生说他不想与客家争吵。

  quarrel with意思是“与……争吵”,后面接表示人的名词。quarrel about意思是“为……而争吵”,后面接争吵的内容。“因某事与某人争吵”可写成quarrel about sth. with sb. 或者quarrel with sb.about sth.。例如:

  I don’t want to quarrel with Jim.我不想和吉姆吵架。

  They are quarrelling about a maths problem. 他们在为一道数学题争吵。

  I quarreled about journey with Tom yesterday.
  = I quarreled with Tom about journey yesterday.昨天我与汤姆就旅游的事吵了一番。

Lesson 65 教学设计方案

  Teaching Objectives: Let the students know how to use adverbial clauses of time and condition. Learn modal auxiliary verb “must”. Students should grasp some useful expressions in this lesson.

  Language Focus: 1. adverbial clauses of time: when, before, after;

    2. adverbial clause of condition: if;

    3. useful expressions: make a noise, stand in line, get on, get off.

  Properties: Recorder, Pictures, Overhead projector

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  Dictation: It was my birthday yesterday. So I did my work early in the morning so that I was free for the day. My birthday was on Monday. I had a present for my birthday: it was a beautiful doll. I was twelve years old yesterday.

  II. Leading-in

  T: Write down “must” on the blackboard, then let the students listen to the teacher's sentences.

  1. We must study hard every day.

  2. We must obey traffic rules.

  3. We must be more careful when we cross the road.

  T: Write down “mustn't= must not” on the blackboard, then make them listen to the following sentences.

  1. We mustn’t make faces in class.

  2. We mustn't throw waste out of the window.

  3. We mustn’t cross the road when the light is red.

  III. Practice

  T: Listen to the tape and then repeat it.

  Look at Exercise one and two, let the students read the materials again, then check them.

  T: Ask the students to make some sentences using “must” and “mustn't”.

  For example: 1. Soldiers must obey orders.

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